Freshwater threatened species distribution maps

The indicative (or known and expected) distributions for a number of NSW freshwater threatened species has been modelled and maps can be downloaded from the below table.

The indicative distribution means there is a high probability that the species will occur in a stream segment, given the species has been recorded there or the environmental conditions are the same as a stream segment where the species is already known to occur.

Modelled indicative distribution maps are currently not available for the other NSW freshwater threatened species that are not listed in the below table, due to the limited number of records, or the limited number of correlated environmental attributes and/or limitations of the modelling to produce accurate and reliable mapping.

Distribution maps for those freshwater species not listed in the below table are provided in the Primefacts for individual threatened species.

Please note: These maps do not indicate entire species distributions, and there may be errors or omissions as described in the limitations section below.

To help us improve the accuracy of the species distribution maps, please report any sightings of these species in NSW with photos to confirm their identification, using the online reporting form

Data use

This data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License with full credit given to NSW DPIRD.

KMZ file download instructions

KMZ files will download differently depending on your browser and its configuration. If a new tab or window displays the raw material, return to this page and right click over the hyperlink then save the file locally.

Species name

Listing status

Distribution - PDF

Distribution - KMZ

Spatial dataset profile

Date released

Alpine Redspot Dragonfly

Vulnerable species

Alpine Redspot Dragonfly
(PDF, 2211.24 KB)

Alpine Redspot Dragonfly
(KMZ, 423.29 KB)

Alpine Redspot Dragonfly
(PDF, 345.8 KB)


Australian Grayling

Endangered species

Australian Grayling (PDF, 2179.33 KB)

Australian Grayling (KMZ, 596.53 KB)

Australian Grayling (PDF, 379.31 KB)


Darling River Hardyhead population in the Hunter River catchment

Endangered population

Darling River Hardyhead
(PDF, 3536.84 KB)
Darling River Hardyhead
(KMZ, 516.75 KB)
Darling River Hardyhead
(PDF, 514.81 KB)


Darling River SnailCritically endangered speciesDarling River Snail (PDF, 2730.92 KB)Darling River Snail (KMZ, 5057.54 KB)Darling River Snail (PDF, 327 KB)2018

Eastern Freshwater Cod

Endangered species

Eastern Freshwater Cod (PDF, 2975.99 KB)

Eastern Freshwater Cod (KMZ, 574.54 KB)

Eastern Freshwater Cod (PDF, 447.12 KB)


Eel-Tailed Catfish in the Murray-Darling Basin

Endangered population

Eel-Tailed Catfish
(PDF, 1849.83 KB)
Eel-Tailed Catfish
(KMZ, 5131.27 KB)
Eel-Tailed Catfish
(PDF, 379.05 KB)


Fitzroy Falls Spiny Crayfish

Critically endangered species

Fitzroy Falls Spiny Crayfish (PDF, 2420.65 KB)

Fitzroy Falls Spiny Crayfish (KMZ, 32.17 KB)

Fitzroy Falls Spiny Crayfish (PDF, 388.32 KB)


Flathead Galaxias

Critically endangered species

Flathead Galaxias (PDF, 2089.84 KB)

Flathead Galaxias (KMZ, 3684.13 KB)

Flathead Galaxias (PDF, 402.35 KB)


Hanley's River Snail

Critically endangered species

Hanley's River Snail (PDF, 2342.21 KB)Hanley's River Snail (KMZ, 607 KB) Hanley's River Snail (PDF, 278.04 KB)2018

Macquarie Perch

Endangered species

Macquarie Perch (PDF, 2567.12 KB)

Macquarie Perch (KMZ, 1324.61 KB)

Macquarie Perch (PDF, 422.03 KB)


Murray Crayfish

Vulnerable species

Murray Crayfish (PDF, 520.16 KB)

Murray Crayfish (KMZ, 2032.25 KB)

Murray Crayfish (PDF, 433.46 KB)


Murray HardyheadCritically Endangered SpeciesMurray Hardyhead (PDF, 1066.77 KB)Murray Hardyhead (KMZ, 463.26 KB)Murray Hardyhead
(DOCX, 277.73 KB)


Olive Perchlet Western Population

Endangered population

Olive Perchlet
(PDF, 1967.7 KB)

Olive Perchlet
(KMZ, 8486.58 KB)

Olive Perchlet
(PDF, 376.61 KB)


Oxleyan Pygmy Perch

Endangered species

Oxleyan Pygmy Perch (PDF, 842.96 KB)

Oxleyan Pygmy Perch (KMZ, 2370.86 KB)

Oxleyan Pygmy Perch (PDF, 473.68 KB)


River Blackfish in the Snowy River

Endangered population

River Blackfish
(PDF, 3294.27 KB)

River Blackfish
(KMZ, 242.32 KB)

River Blackfish
(PDF, 136.99 KB)


Silver Perch

Vulnerable species

Silver Perch (PDF, 2016.67 KB)

Silver Perch (KMZ, 8239.68 KB)

Silver Perch (PDF, 393.72 KB)


Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon

Endangered Species

Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon (PDF, 4253.25 KB)

Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon (KMZ, 16712.64 KB)

Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon (PDF, 339.6 KB)


Southern Pygmy Perch

Endangered species

Southern Pygmy Perch (PDF, 2587.38 KB)

Southern Pygmy Perch (KMZ, 2725.86 KB)

Southern Pygmy Perch (PDF, 444.18 KB)


Stocky GalaxiasCritically endangered speciesStocky Galaxias
(PDF, 2869.51 KB)
Stocky Galaxias
(KMZ, 3.53 KB)
Stocky Galaxias
(PDF, 285.37 KB)
Sydney Hawk Dragonfly

Endangered species

Sydney Hawk Dragonfly (PDF, 253.63 KB)Sydney Hawk Dragonfly
(KMZ, 199.61 KB)
Sydney Hawk Dragonfly
(PDF, 524.28 KB)

Trout Cod

Endangered species

Trout Cod (PDF, 2036.23 KB)

Trout Cod (KMZ, 604.89 KB)

Trout Cod (PDF, 358.33 KB)


To help us improve the accuracy of the species distribution maps, please report any sightings of these species in NSW with photos to confirm their identification, using the online reporting form


Please note the following limitations related to the data, methods and techniques used to produce the above indicative distribution maps.

  1. The data and records are not comprehensive. The information contained in the maps is based on the best available knowledge and understanding at the time of production. However, because of advances in knowledge, users are reminded of the need to ensure that information upon which they rely is up to date and to check currency of the information.
  2. Recognising that some of the information in the maps are provided by third parties, the State of New South Wales the author and the publisher take no responsibility for the accuracy, currency, reliability and correctness of any information included in the document provided by thirds parties.
  3. The indicative distribution maps are only available for the above listed freshwater threatened species and populations in NSW. Modelled indicative distribution maps are not currently available for the other listed freshwater threatened species in NSW due to the limited number of records, or the limited number of correlated environmental attributes and/or limitations of the modelling to produce accurate and reliable mapping.
  4. The maps do not indicate entire species distributions, and there may be errors or omissions. The maps are limited to NSW; however species may have distributions that extend beyond State borders.