From 1 July 2024, we became part of the newly formed NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development with a focus on Agriculture and Biosecurity and Fisheries and Forestry. This site is undergoing construction to reflect these changes.

Forecast weather conditions -
Landholders on the North Coast of NSW are urged to plan ahead. Visit Floods and storms for more information about how to prepare.
Red Imported Fire Ant -
Fire ant detected in northern NSW - be on the look out

NSW Department of Primary Industries

The role of DPI
Our Role

We work hand-in-hand with producers – through droughts, floods, fires and biosecurity challenges – to drive stronger primary industries.

Learn about DPI research success
Research & Development

We are globally recognised as a top 1% plant, animal and environmental sciences research organisation.

Real people, real stories from our state's primary industries.
Our Stories

Take a look at the full breadth of our stories, our researchers and our innovation on our publishing platform.

DPI Commercial services
Working with Us

We can provide a variety of commercial and technical services to industry while partnering and collaborating in research, development, innovation and ag-tech solutions.