2019 NSW Young Farmer Of The Year finalist - Tim Carroll

Tim is standing adjacent a motorcycle and wearing sun glasses

The Bridge Ironbark Agribusiness, Borenore NSW

Already an industry leader in his own right, in addition to running his mixed enterprise agribusiness with wife Lucinda and their young sons in Borenore, Tim is a former NSW Young Farmers Council Chair and still sits on the Young Farmers Council advocating for the future of agriculture and the next generation of farmers.

Wins on the board already for Tim include securing $6 million in funding for the Young Farmer Business Program designed to create opportunities and build skills, knowledge, networks and resilience for young farmers; and obtaining a government commitment of low interest loans and stamp duty exemptions for young farmers to help achieve farm ownership.

Diversification and investment in research and technology have been key components to Tim’s own business success despite the pressures of ongoing drought conditions. This has included the use of drone technology that has had multiple benefits including cost efficiencies due to reduced labour costs, improved animal welfare outcomes due to minimised stress upon livestock and work health and safety benefits achieved through reduced need to access remote and dangerous areas.

That commitment to staff welfare and safety is extended to his livestock, with a firm belief that animal welfare and wellbeing is key to quality product and consequently business growth and success.

As an advocate for young and future farmers, Tim is fundamentally committed to future proofing his land, business and the environment more broadly and has undertaken tree planting and establishment of wildlife corridors to support erosion control and waterway health and biodiversity.

He is also a champion of biosecurity protection measures as a key to minimising farm biosecurity threats now and into the future.