Draft Agricultural Industry Services Regulation 2024

Have your say

The NSW Government is seeking your feedback on proposed minor changes to the Agricultural Industry Services Regulation 2015 (the AIS Regulation) to improve the management of agricultural industry services committees. These changes are included in the draft Agricultural Industry Services Regulation 2024 (the draft Regulation) that will replace the AIS Regulation on 1 September 2024 in accordance with the Subordinate Legislation Act 1989.

The AIS Regulation is the main instrument used to achieve the objectives of the Agricultural Industries Services Act 1988 (the AIS Act). The AIS Act sets out the establishment, functions and accountability of agricultural industry services committees. These committees may provide a range of services for primary producers of agricultural products in specified areas of NSW, such as marketing and promotion, and providing information for the control of pests. The Wine Grapes Marketing Board, which is trading as Riverina Winegrape Growers, is the only agricultural industry services committee constituted under the AIS Act.

The draft regulation remakes the AIS regulation with minor amendments by updating a small number of existing provisions to:

  1. Change the corporate name of the Wine Grapes Marketing Board to Riverina Winegrape Growers
  2. Change the definition of a meeting quorum of the agricultural industry services committee to improve flexibility
  3. Remove an outdated reference to the former Greater Sunraysia Pest Free Area Industry Development Committee.

Some other minor amendments have been made in the draft AIS Regulation 2024 to adhere to current plain English drafting guidelines and to make the Regulation clearer.

Tell us what you think

The purpose of this consultation process is to seek your feedback on the proposed amendments to the AIS Regulation. Prior to providing feedback, respondents are encouraged to review the following documentation:

Regulatory Impact Statement (includes a summary and analysis of proposed regulatory amendments)

Draft Agricultural Industry Services Regulation 2024

The 4-week consultation period will close at 11:59 pm on 3 July 2024.

Please provide feedback via email to the our Advice & Coordination team at: dpi.cabinet@dpi.nsw.gov.au.


1. Open and listening
This consultation is open for your feedback. Have your say before 11:59 pm on 3 July 2024.

2. Stage Two: Review of feedback
Feedback from this consultation process will be reviewed in July-August 2024.

3. Stage Three: Share what we heard
Feedback will be made public and proposed amendments will be finalised before September 2024.

Submissions are public information

The department will place submissions, or a summary of them on its website. Please let us know if you do not want your submission published, or if you would like a portion of it to be kept confidential (for example your name and/or personal contact details). The department will respect your request, unless required by law to disclose information, for example under the provisions of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).

For further information

General enquiries can be made via email to our Advice & Coordination team at dpi.cabinet@dpi.nsw.gov.au