WGMB review - Terms of Reference

The Wine Grapes Marketing Board (WGMB) is constituted under the Agricultural Industry Services Regulation 2015 to provide a range of agricultural industry services to independent winegrape producers that produce greater than 20 tonnes of winegrapes within its area of operation, The City of Griffith and the Local Government Areas of Leeton, Carrathool and Murrumbidgee in NSW.

To better understand the role that the WGMB provides to the winegrape growers in its defined service area, the NSW Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development (DPIRD) Strategy & Policy Unit will undertake a review of the performance of the WGMB against its regulatory responsibilities.

1. Terms of Reference

The review will evaluate the function and performance of the WGMB against the following services as outlined in the Agricultural Industry Services Regulation (2015):

a. the development of a code of conduct for contract negotiations between winegrape growers and wineries,

b. the development of draft contract provisions with respect to the sale of Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area (MIA) winegrapes to wineries, including provisions with respect to:

(i) the prices to be paid by wineries, and

(ii) the terms and conditions of payment to be observed by wineries, in relation to MIA wine grapes delivered to them by winegrape growers,

c. the promotion of private contracts for sales of MIA winegrapes to wineries by winegrape growers,

d. the collection and dissemination of market and industry information, including the production and publication of indicator prices for MIA winegrapes grown in the Boards area of operation,

e. the conduct of research and development into plant health in relation to winegrapes,

f. the provision of education and training in relation to winegrape production and marketing,

g. the promotion (in association with organisations representing wineries) of wine made from MIA winegrapes,

h. the promotion of regional industry, including regional wine-making, within the Boards area of operations, and

i. the representation of the winegrape industry in relation to the matters referred to in paragraphs (a)-(h).

2. Conduct of the Review

The review will be undertaken by the DPIRD Strategy & Policy Unit as follows:

a. An Information Paper will be published online for all interested parties to read, calling for written submissions which will be considered and evaluated.

b. DPIRD will undertake desk top research in conjunction with public consultations to review the performance of the WGMB in delivering Agricultural Industry Services to winegrape producers in the defined service region.

c. DPIRD will consult closely with the WGMB in the course of the review; and

d. The review will report to the Director General, NSW Department of Primary Industries.