Rice Vesting Update

In 2022, the NSW Government commissioned an Independent Report from the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES). The ABARES Independent Report into Rice Vesting Arrangements considered a broad range of issues identified in a separate 2021 Review and provided recommendations to the NSW Government on the best response to the 2021 Review.

The ABARES Independent Report was delivered to the Minister for Agriculture on 30 May 2023. A copy of this report is provided for download below.

The report makes eight recommendations for industry reform, which take into consideration the findings of the 2021 Review and stakeholder feedback.

These recommendations have been carefully considered by the Minister for Agriculture and the NSW Government.

The Government intends to make targeted reforms which align with the issues raised by this Independent Report, the findings of the 2021 Rice Vesting Review, and feedback provided by key industry stakeholders.

The Minister for Agriculture will introduce a Bill to end vesting on 1 July 2025, with the Rice Marketing Board to be wound up by 1 July 2026.

To support the transition, the NSW Government will also establish a rice transition group which will be led by the DPI and made up of appropriate government agencies and industry organisations. This Rice Transition Group can be contacted at: ricetransition.group@dpi.nsw.gov.au


The NSW Government 2021 Rice Vesting Review

The NSW Department of Primary Industries completed a review of NSW rice vesting arrangements in 2021. The Review considered whether rice vesting arrangements provided a net benefit to the industry and the wider community. Economic analysis submitted to the Review by the NSW Productivity Commission in consultation with the Centre for International Economics (CIE) contributed to the Review’s analysis along with a significant number of stakeholder contributions. A copy of the CIE analysis submitted to the Review can be found on the NSW Productivity Commission website.
