Executive Summary

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Executive Summary

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In 2017-18, NSW Primary Industries performance was determined by several key factors including prices received, productive output, the macroeconomic environment, and seasonal conditions. The season was characterised by a lack of rainfall, with winter being the ninth driest on record. Despite average rainfall during spring, below average rainfall from January through to June led to limited livestock feed, failed winter crops in key regions and decreased stored soil moisture levels heading into the warmer months.

In this context, while 2017-18 presented challenges, NSW primary industries reached an estimated output of $17.5 billion.

Beef, sheep, wool and cotton all performed well, accounting for 33% of the state’s output, with a combined value of $5.9 billion. The wool industry went from strength to strength as a result of record breaking prices and strong export demand. Cotton benefited from increased production, yield and steady prices, culminating in a 22% increase in output.  Beef and sheep production rose as farmers looked to destock. NSW crop production including wheat, pulses, barley and oilseeds were all impacted by seasonal conditions. Our $640 million fisheries and forestry sectors continued to grow and play a vital part in the state’s economy.

Recreational fishing, including charter fishing, and hunting and game management activities have been included in the measure of the total annual output of NSW’s primary industries for the first time this year, with a combined estimated value of $3.8 billion. This is in recognition of the economic and social benefits to the NSW economy, particularly in regional areas. For reference the term output is retained when discussing farm gate industry value in the document.

NSW primary industry exports earned $5.4 billion, with large increases in beef, sheep, and wool exports driven by higher volumes and prices.

Given the diversity of production across the state, this publication profiles key drivers across a number of important primary industry sectors. Analyses of major factors, attribution stories and output performance for each industry follow, while key industry statistics and drivers are contained in the appendices.


IndustryOutput (millions)% change y.o.y
Sugar Cane$65-32.9%
Sheep & Goat Meat$97315.2%
Beef Cattle$2,278-3.7%
Wine Grapes$181-3.3%
Recreational & Charter Fishing$2,2196.6%

Jobs and Businesses Data

Directly employed






Direct Businesses



Manufacturing Businesses



Agriculture Fisheries Forestry Support Services

Jobs & Businesses By Industry Group

Directly employedl Manufacturingl Direct Businessesm Manufacturing Businessesm
73,183 85,423 53,374 5,650
A00 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing nfd 187 - - -
63,122 - 46,757 -
010 Agriculture nfd 9,926 - - -
011 Nursery and Floriculture Production 3,652 - 695 -
012 Mushroom and Vegetable Growing 3,527 - 1,468 -
013 Fruit and Tree Nut Growing 8,164 - 3,573 -
014 Sheep, Beef Cattle and Grain Farming 28,217 - 35,020 -
015 Other Crop Growing 1,669 - 1,460 -
016 Dairy Cattle Farming 1,887 - 1,494 -
017 Poultry Farming 2,680 - 582 -
018 Deer Farming - - 31 -
019 Other Livestock Farming 3,401 - 2,434 -
723 - 358 -
020 Aquaculture 723 - 358 -
551 - 1,159 -
030 Forestry and Logging 551 - 1,159 -
683 - 896 -
040 Fishing, Hunting and Trapping nfd - - - -
041 Fishing 683 - 708 -
042 Hunting and Trapping - - 188 -
7,917 - 4,204 -
051 Forestry Support Services 1,439 - 253 -
052 Agriculture and Fishing Support Services 6,478 - 3,951 -
- 61,443 - 46,757
110 Food Product Manufacturing nfd - 7,125 - -
111 Meat and Meat Product Manufacturing - 17,863 - 695
112 Seafood Processing - 665 - 1,468
113 Dairy Product Manufacturing - 4,459 - 3,573
114 Fruit and Vegetable Processing - 2,440 - 35,020
115 Oil and Fat Manufacturing - 1,060 - 1,460
116 Grain Mill and Cereal Product Manufacturing - 3,045 - 1,494
117 Bakery Product Manufacturing - 16,689 - 582
118 Sugar and Confectionery Manufacturing - 3,074 - 31
119 Other Food Product Manufacturing - 5,023 - 2,434
- 20,210 - 708
141 Log Sawmilling and Timber Dressing - 3,589 - 708
149 Other Wood Product Manufacturing - 16,621 - -
- 3,770 - 4,204
150 Pulp, Paper and Converted Paper Product Manufacturing nfd - 980 - -
151 Pulp, Paper and Paperboard Manufacturing - 604 - 253
152 Converted Paper Product Manufacturing - 2,186 - 3,951
ABS (2018e) ABS (2018e) ABS (2018f) ABS (2018f)
  • l DPI estimate calculated as average total employment over four quarters to May 2018 of labour force employment data by relevant to each industry. Relevant ANZSIC divisions are Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (division A) and relevant sub divisions of Manufacturing (division C). Data was sourced from ABS (2018f)
  • m DPI estimate using the same ANZSIC classifications in footnote l. Data is based on June 2017 using source ABS (2017g)