Empowering Oyster Farmers: Mooney Mooney's First Aid Training Success

First Aid sign

The Farm First Aid training stands as an example of proactive community engagement.

Mooney Mooney lies on the banks of the majestic Hawkesbury River and offers panoramic views that stretch across to the town of Brooklyn.

Mooney Mooney is renowned for its vibrant fishing port that supports local commercial fishermen and businesses. In February 2022, floods caused the Hawkesbury River to swell, sending tons of debris into the waterways. This not only posed a navigational hazard for boat operators and fishers—who found themselves navigating through submerged obstacles—but also impacted the local oyster industry.

Recognising the critical role aquaculture plays in the local economy and in sustaining the community, the local Rural Recovery Officer reached out to establish connections with local fishers. Support was provided by connecting individuals with available financial assistance programs and creating linkages to other support services, ensuring a network of resources that could address needs beyond financial concerns.

A key initiative during the recovery process was the identification and development of opportunities to build capacity to enhance local capacities and promote sustainable growth and innovation.

The Rural Recovery Support Service organised a Farm First Aid training initiative, specifically geared toward those working on or near the water.

This enabled participants to achieve the Statement of Attainment in providing First Aid—HLTAID011, a certification that is not only critical for safety and marine compliance, but also builds a stronger sense of community through shared learning experiences.

The training session attracted over 20 diverse participants - encompassing seasoned professionals and newcomers to the industry.

By equipping attendees with essential first aid skills, they not only improved the safety standards on the water but also contributed to the sustainable operation of the marine industry that is so crucial to their local economy.