Plant nutrition

Improve the growth and performance of plants through the extraction of the chemical elements and compounds.

In our industry leading laboratory, DPIRD’s world-class scientists operate to ISO/IEC 17025 standards, employing accredited testing techniques, systems and technologies to deliver independent, quality assured data. Examining elements from aluminium to zinc, as well as the carbon, nitrogen and nitrate levels of plant tissue, DPIRD’s plant nutrition service can identify the presence of vital nutrients.

Why should I have a plant’s nutrition tested?

Plants require primary or macronutrients and a selection of trace elements to maximise growth and performance.

Testing the nutritional value of plants assists in determining whether deficiencies in essential nutrients exit, particularly as the plant may not show signs of decline. Optimal plant health also improves the plant’s ability to compete with pest species of insects or weeds.

Understanding the nutritional value of plants can aid the development of a balanced nutrition program to sustainably manage the asset and achieve desired production and environmental outcomes.

Remove the guesswork, discover below how DPIRD’s plant nutrition service can aid the improvement of grazing, cropping and horticultural enterprises.