Soil health tests & pricing

The test list below provides a price guide for commonly requested tests. DPIRD provides a tailored service with quotes for specialist tests or large volume discounts available by contacting Customer Service.

Our soil testing laboratories can undertake a range of soil analyses to assist you in determining the nutrient and trace element requirements of your soil. In addition, the laboratories can undertake specialist testing for heavy metal contamination.

We provide soil sampling kits - click here to order a kit.

If you require testing that is not specified below please call (02) 6626 1103 for further information.

Choosing the appropriate soil test package

To assist you in selecting the appropriate soil test package the table below describes the application of each test offered.

If you have not previously had soil tested we suggest you talk to your advisor or phone our customer service unit on (02) 6626 1103 to determine the most appropriate package for your needs. In addition to our soil test packages, over 50 types of soil tests are available on request.



Soil pH

pH is a measure of acidity and alkalinity. Soil pH can affect nutrient uptake.

Available phosphorus

This test is useful in assessing the need to fertilise crops and pastures with phosphorus.

Phosphorus buffering index (PBI)

This test is a measure of the soil’s ability to tie up phosphorus. It can assist in determining fertiliser requirements. Used in combination with Colwell Phosphorus testing.

Exchangeable Cations and Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC)The major exchangeable cations are calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and aluminium. CEC is a major factor affecting soil structure, nutrient availability, soil pH and the soil’s response to fertiliser.

KCI extractable sulfur

Test used to determine sulfur availability in soils.

Electrical Conductivity (1:5 water)

Electrical conductivity is an indirect measure of salinity. Many plants are affected by high soil salinity. Interpretation of EC is best assessed after the result is converted to ECe.

Soil TextureSoil texture is an estimate of the relative amounts of sand, silt and clay particles in a soil. The physical and chemical behaviour of a soil is influenced strongly by soil texture. Soil texture affects the movement and availability of air, nutrients and water in a soil.
ECe (by Calculation)ECe is calculated from EC (1:5 water) using a multiplier factor based on soil texture. It is therefore essential that EC (1:5 water) results are accompanied by an assessment of texture.

Organic carbon

Organic carbon is a measure of the organic matter level of a soil. This in turn is very important for soil structure and plant nutrient uptake.


Chloride is the most commonly occurring soluble anion in Australian soils. The importance of this anion in land-use assessment is due to its possible accumulation in soil profiles to levels that are detrimental to plant growth.

Total nitrogen

Total soil nitrogen provides an indication of the soil’s long-term nitrogen supplying capacity.

Boron, hot CaCl2 extractable

Test used to obtain an index of soil boron status for plant growth.

DTPA micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu)

Measures plant-available forms of these elements.

Other tests that may be required include:


Total carbon

Carbon is the organic material in soil which improves moisture holding capacity, increases soil structural stability and protects soil from erosion. Carbon:Nitrogen ratio is used when making compost from organic material.

Full ICP scan (Al, As, B, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Se, Zn)

This test will assist in identifying any nutrient/metal deficiencies or toxicities in your soil or organic fertiliser. It important to check for metals in organic fertilisers, particularly those sourced from human and animal waste.

Mineral Nitrogen (NO3-N & NH4-N)

Nitrogen which is available for uptake by plants.

In addition to the above tests, our laboratory undertakes over 200 individual chemical tests. For a comprehensive range of testing options and current charges please contact Customer Service or call the laboratory direct on 02 66261103

Test pricing & inclusions

Our AgEnviro Testing Service offers standard testing packages or the opportunity to create your own package of 6 tests. Pricing and inclusions are outlined below.

Prices are reviewed annually however DPIRD reserves the right to modify prices at any time. Express surcharges may apply for urgent requests. View the full list of Terms and Conditions applicable to all testing services provided by DPIRD.

Testing packages

Package NamePurposeTests IncludedPrice (incl GST)
BasicUseful for monitoring soil that has already be tested comprehensively.

pH (CaCl2)

Available Phosphorus*

Exchangeable Cations (Gillman & Sumpter)

GrazingThe Grazing Test Package provides general information and is usually sufficient for most grazing applications. However, if you know from previous testing that you only need to monitor phosphorus and sulfur levels then a Basic Package may be adequate.

pH (CaCl2)

Available Phosphorus*

Exchangeable Cations (Gillman & Sumpter)

Available Sulfur (KCI40)

EC (1:5 water)

Soil Texture

ECe (by Calculation)

CroppingThe Cropping Test Package is a better choice for cropping and some horticulture circumstances and where more detail is required than in a grazing situation.

pH (CaCl2)

pH (water)

Available Phosphorus*

Exchangeable Cations (Gillman & Sumpter)

Available Sulfur (KCI40)

EC (1:5 water)

Soil Texture

ECe (by Calculation)

Organic Carbon

Total Nitrogen

HorticultureThe Horticulture Package is most useful to horticultural applications. This package contains all the features in the Cropping Package, plus testing for the trace elements boron, zinc, chloride, copper, and manganese. If other trace elements are needed leaf/tissue analysis may be more appropriate than soil tests.

pH (CaCl2)

pH (water)

Available Phosphorus*

Exchangeable Cations (Gillman & Sumpter)

Available Sulfur (KCI40)

EC (1:5 water)

Soil Texture

ECe (by Calculation)

Organic Carbon

Total Nitrogen


Extractable Boron

DTPA Extractable Copper, Iron, Manganese & Zinc


Additional Laboratory Service Charges

Outsourced Analysis100% of external lab pricing + postage/freight + additional admin time fee
Postage/Freight Costs Charged at full cost recovery
Urgent Testing: 1 working day100% surcharge added to test cost (test and workflow dependent)
Express Testing: 2-4 working days50% surcharge added to test cost (workflow dependent)
Express Testing: 5-7 working days25% surcharge added to test cost (workflow dependent)
Additional Sample Handling4$62.60/hr (incl. GST)1
Additional Admin Time/Reporting Request5$85.40/hr (incl. GST)1
Return of Samples to ClientFreight + additional sample handling fee
Repeat Analysis - Client RequestRepeat test result same as original - client pays full test cost
Repeat test result different to original - no charge to client

1Prices are current as at 5 August 2024.

4 Additional sample handling fees will be charged if samples take longer than an hour to process at submission due to incorrect labelling, poor sorting or receival of damaged/compromised samples.

5 Additional admin time/reporting request fees will be charged if sample submissions take longer than half an hour to process due to additional client/outsourced analysis follow-up requirements.

* Phosphorus choices:

Please choose from one of the following Phosphorus tests. Please note, if not selection is made, Colwell P will be selected as the default test.

Phosphorus testPurpose
Colwell PDPIRD's default phosphorus choice. Colwell P can be a better indicator of phosphorus availability in most soils when evaluated with the PBI (Phosphorus Buffer Index**).
BRAY PRecommended for soils known to be acidic.
BSES PDeveloped to predict the P responsiveness of soils used for sugar cane and has been used to assess the available P status of many surface soils in Queensland including land use surveys

Optional extras:

Test NamePurposeTests includedPrice (incl GST)
Phosphorus buffer indexPhosphorus buffer index (PBI) is the phosphorus sorptivity or ‘fixing’ ability of soils. PBI can be added when Colwell Phosphorus is chosen. It is a test used for more accurate interpretation of the Colwell P result.Phosphorus Buffer Index$35.80
Available NitrogenNitrogen which is available for uptake by plants.Ammonia-N and Nitrate-N$50.30
20 Element ICP ScanAssists in identifying any nutrient/metal deficiencies or toxicities in your soil or organic fertiliser. It important to check for metals in organic fertilisers, particularly those sourced from human and animal waste.

Elements Include:

Al, As, B, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Se, Zn


Interpretation of soil test reports requires specialised knowledge of local conditions and crops. DPIRD's laboratory reports are accompanied by a general guide. We strongly recommend that you consult a local advisor (agronomist or horticulturist) to interpret the results more specifically. If you provide a contact email, we will forward a copy of your report to your elected advisor.

Collecting samples

Taking a soil sample

Look at the soils in the area you intend to sample. Submit a separate soil sample from each soil type (e.g. clay, loam or sand) and from paddocks that have been managed differently, because these factors affect fertiliser needs.

For each sample, thoroughly mix a minimum of 20 soil cores in one bucket. The more cores taken, the more reliable the sample. Fill the container supplied in the kit with the sample from the bucket. If you have collected multiple samples, you can submit your samples in 500-gram bags to the laboratory. Make sure samples are clearly labelled.

Soil cores should be collected at 0-10 cm depth. Avoid collecting the surface material such as leaf or organic matter. Deeper cores may need to be taken for the investigation of subsurface acidity and salinity or for larger horticultural crops (please contact your advisor for this advice).

Once the samples have been collected, they should be sent as soon as possible to the laboratory for analysis.

Maintaining a map and written plan of the soil sampling area is essential for interpreting results and any subsequent testing. It is recommended that soil cores be collected along a fixed transect (e.g. 1 and 2). This method allows for re-testing and better monitoring of changes in fertility than random sampling. In areas where tree crops are planted samples should be collected along rows.To obtain representative samples, do not sample from unusual sites such as

  • stock camps
  • manure patches
  • gate ways
  • dams or water troughs
  • feed out areas
  • old fertiliser stockpiles
  • paddocks that have had fertiliser applied in the last 3 months

Tools required for sampling

  • Soil corer or spade
  • Buckets
  • New plastic bag or sample container (located in soil kit)
  • Labels if more than one sample is collected.
  • Record sheet to record sample site and sample for your records.

Remember a soil test is only as good as the care taken in sampling. Tools and equipment should be clean prior to sampling.