Veterinary Test List

The test list provides a price guide for commonly requested tests. Additional tests are available upon request. For advice on specialised tests contact Customer Service. To obtain a quote, please fill in our online Quotation Request Form.

Additional laboratory service charges also apply for non-approved after hours submissions, return of eskies and on-forwarding of freight to external laboratories.

Prices will be reviewed annually based on cost changes; however NSW Animal and Plant Health Laboratories (APHL) reserves the right to modify prices at any time.

Click on the test name for further details on turnaround times and sample requirements.

Test List by Species

Test list A - Z

Commonly requested test can be found below in the A - Z test list. Prices are valid from 1 Feb 2024

* Denotes analyses not covered by the NATA scope of accreditation.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
A2_PCRA2 milk protein - Dairy breeds
(<50 samples)
Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$34.00
A2_PCRA2 milk protein - Dairy breeds
(50-199 samples)
Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$28.40
A2_PCRA2 milk protein - Dairy breeds
(200+ samples in 1 submission)
Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovinePOA$17.75
ABVH1_PCRAbalone (Hallotid) Herpesvirus 1 Real–time PCR* Whole fresh abaloneAquaticUp to 7D$93.55
VariousAbortion investigationVariousVariousVariousContact Customer Service
APP_APX Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae ELISAClotted blood, Lith HepPorcineUp to 5D$22.10
A_PLEU_PCRActinobacillus pleuropneumoniae PCR*TissuePorcineUp to 10D$95.40
A_SEM_NIP Actinobacillus seminis – Selective culture Tissue, PM sample, swabOvine7D$71.65
A_SEM_PCRActinobacillus seminis PCRSemen, tissues and/or bacterial culture isolatesOvine5D$95.40
AHPND_QPCRAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease qPCR 1-90 samples*Prawn hepatopancreas or HP swabAquatic5D$72.25
AHPND_QPCRAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease qPCR 91-179 samples*Prawn hepatopancreas or HP swabAquatic5D$57.15
AHPND_QPCRAcute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease qPCR 180+ samples*Prawn hepatopancreas or HP swabAquatic5D$49.10
AER_CLT Aerobic routine culture Tissue, PM sample, swabAll species3-5D$48.15
AER_CLT_ID Aerobic bacterial IdentificationFrom cultureAll speciesUp to 7D$15.00
AINO_PCR Aino Virus Real–time PCR Clotted blood, EDTA, fresh tissue, semenBovine, Ovine2-3D$93.55
AINO_VN Aino VNT Clotted bloodBovine, Ovine, Caprine1-2W$48.10
AKA_ABELAkabane Virus Antibody ELISAClotted blood, foetal fluidBovine, Ovine, CaprineUp to 7D$13.55
AKA_PCRAkabane Virus Real–time PCRClotted blood, EDTA, Fresh tissue, SemenBovine, Ovine2-3D$93.55
AKA_VNAkabane VNT Clotted bloodBovine, Ovine, Caprine1-2W$48.10
OUTSOURCED TESTAlgae Identification100ml waterN/A1-2D**POA
AMGR_PCRalpha-Mannosidosis - AngusEar notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
AMAMR_PCRalpha-Mannosidosis - Galloway*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
BEE_MICAmerican foulbrood (AFB) and European foulbrood (EFB) – microscopyLarval smear(s) or section of brood comb containing diseased larvaeBees1-2D$29.90
PA_LAR_CLTAmerican foulbrood (AFB) Paenibacillus honey/bee culture <10 samplesMinimum 100 ml (145g) honeyBees7D$42.85
PA_LAR_CLTAmerican foulbrood (AFB) Paenibacillus honey/bee culture >10 samples (single submission with one report)Minimum 100 ml (145g) honeyBees7D$38.60
ANAER_CLT Anaerobic bacteria – Selective culture Tissue, PM sample, swabAll species7D$71.65
ANA_M_QPCRAnaplasma marginale qPCR*EDTA BloodBovine5D$95.40
APLAT_QPCRAnaplasma platys qPCR*EDTA Blood or TicksCanine5D$88.60
BA_ANT_PCRAnthrax PCRLith Hep, fresh tissue, clotted blood, EDTA blood, ear notch and isolates grown in culture.Bovine, Ovine, Caprine1D$134.60
BA_ANT_SSAnthrax - microscopyBlood smear, fresh tissueBovine, Ovine, Caprine1D$29.90
SEN_N_GEN Antibiotic Sensitivity - Gram Negative Organisms - General All tissueAll species3D
SEN_N_MASTAntibiotic Sensitivity - Gram Negative Organisms - MastitisMilk/udder fluid, and Udder/Mammary tissuesAll species3D
SEN_P_GENAntibiotic Sensitivity - Gram Positive Organisms - GeneralAll tissueAll species3D
SEN_P_MASTAntibiotic Sensitivity - Gram Positive Organisms - MastitisMilk/udder fluid, and Udder/Mammary tissuesAll species3D
SEN_SPECTAntibiotic Sensitivity CultureAll tissueAll species3D
ABLVIN_PCRAustralian Bat Lyssavirus (insectivorous) Real–time PCR* Whole deceased animal (chilled)Bat1-3D$93.55
ABLVPT_PCRAustralian Bat Lyssavirus (pteropid) Real–time PCR* Whole deceased animal (chilled)Bat1-3D$93.55
AVCHL_QPCRAvian Chlamydia Panel PCR-Chlamydia psittaci, Chlamydia gallinacea, Chlamydia avium *Dry or PBGS swab (Nasal, tracheal, conjunctival and/or cloacal), fresh spleen, fresh lungAvian (General)5D$120.25
AI_ABELAvian Influenza Antibody ELISAClotted bloodAvian, PorcineUp to 7D$16.00
FLU_MATPCRAvian Influenza A matrix Real-time PCRSwab (PBGS), fresh tissueAvian1-2D$93.55
AI_H5_HIAvian Influenza Virus (subtype H5) Antibody HI TestClotted bloodAvianUp to 7D$9.25
AI_H7_HIAvian Influenza Virus (subtype H7) Antibody HI TestClotted bloodAvianUp to 7D$9.25
AVC_VIAvian Virus Isolation – in Cell Culture (3 passes)Contact Customer Service$151.95
AVE3_VI Avian Virus Isolation –in SPF Embryos (3 passes) Contact Customer Service$387.40
NDV_VI Avian Virus Isolation – Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) Contact Customer Service$387.40

1Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

^Only the Afflex© Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) is accepted without additional charges. Submit chilled.

* This test is not NATA accredited

** Working days exclude weekends, public holidays, as well as the duration required for courier services to transport samples to EMAI and subsequently to the external laboratory. All external lab TATs are estimates only and are outside of the departments control.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
BABBG_QPCRBabesia bigemina qPCR*EDTA, Fresh Spleen (Call Customer Service to discuss)Bovine2D$88.60
BABO_QPCRBabesia bovis qPCR* EDTA, Fresh Spleen (Call Customer Service to discuss)Bovine2D$88.60
TFEV_QPCRBabesia bovis, Babesia bigemina and Anaplasma marginale (Tick Fever qPCR)*EDTA, fresh spleenBovine2D$216.85
BABCA_QPCRBabesia caballi qPCR*Clotted blood, Serum, Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, Ticks and strains/vaccines.Various2D$285.00
BABMAC_QPCRBabesia macropus qPCR*EDTA blood or ticksKangaroo5D$88.60
BMSR_PCRbeta-Mannosidosis - Salers*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
TOXICALGAEBlue-green algae – microscopic examination Water and scumAll speciesPOAContact Customer Service
BLU_AGIDBluetongue Virus Antibody AGIDClotted bloodBovine, Ovine, CaprineUp to 7D$22.10
BLU_ABELBluetongue Virus Antibody ELISAClotted bloodBovine, Ovine, CaprineUp to 7D$13.55
BLU_VIBluetongue Virus Isolation EDTA, semen, fresh tissueBovine, Ovine, Caprine5-6W$231.85
BLU_PCRBluetongue Virus Real–time PCRClotted blood, EDTA, fresh tissue and semenBovine, Ovine, Caprine2-3D$93.55
N/ABorder Disease Virus (BDV) testing (see Pestivirus for pricing)N/AOvineN/AN/A
BOR_SP_PCR Bordetella sp. PCR*Tracheal swab, cultureVarious5D$95.40
CORONA_PCRBovine Coronavirus Real Time PCR*Faeces, fresh tissue, Swab (PBGS)Bovine2-3D$93.55
BEF_ABELBovine Ephemeral Fever Virus (BEF) Antibody ELISAClotted bloodBovineUp to 7D$13.55
BEF_RTPCRBovine Ephemeral Fever Virus (BEF) Real–time PCREDTABovine2-3D$93.55
BEF_VNBovine Ephemeral Fever (BEF) VNTClotted bloodBovine1-2W$48.10
BLADR_PCRBovine Leucocyte Adhesion Deficiency - Holstein FriesianEar notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
BRSV_RTPCRBovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus Real Time PCR*Swab (PBGS), fresh tissueBovine2-3D$93.55
RSV_ABELBovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus Antibody ELISAClotted bloodBovineContact Customer Service$28.85
BPINK_QPCRBovine Pinkeye Panel PCR- Moraxella bovis, Moraxella bovoculi, Mycoplasma bovis *Conjunctival Swab (Dry or in PBGS)Bovine5D$120.25
N/ABovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) testing (see Pestivirus for pricing)N/ABovineN/AVarious
BCRHS_PCRBrachygnathia, Cardiomegaly and Renal Hypoplasia Syndrome*Ear notch^Ovine10D$30.95
B_HYO_PCRBrachyspira hyodysenteriae PCR*Faeces, intestinal contents, intestinal tissue, culturePorcine5D$88.60
B_PILO_PCRBrachyspira pilosicoli PCR*Faeces, intestinal contents, intestinal tissue, culturePorcine5D$88.60
MUL_PE_PCRB hyodysenteriae; B pilosicoli; L intracellularis - Pig Enteric Multiplex PCR Assay*Faeces, intestinal contents, intestinal tissue, culturePorcine5D$134.60
BR_ABO_CFBrucella abortus CFTClotted blood, serumBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine, Porcine, other speciesUp to 5D$14.35
B_AB_CF_IUBrucella abortus CFT (in International Units)Clotted blood, serumBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine, Porcine, other speciesUp to 5D$14.35
BR_ABO_ABEBrucella abortus ELISAClotted blood, serumBovineUp to 7D$18.80
BR_ABO_RBPBrucella abortus RBT (Rose Bengal)Clotted blood Bovine, Porcine, Canine, other speciesUp to 5D$8.15
BR_ABO_SABrucella abortus SATClotted bloodBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine, PorcineUp to 5D$19.10
BR_AB_SA_15Brucella abortus SAT (<15 International Units)Clotted bloodBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine, PorcineUp to 5D$19.10
B_AB_SA_EXBrucella abortus SAT (Export)Clotted bloodBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine, Porcine Up to 5D$19.10

Brucella ELISA- SVANOVIR® -Brucella antibody C-ELISA Kit*

(B.abortus, B melitensis & B.suis antibody detection)

Clotted blood, Lith Hep

Bovine, Caprine, Porcine, Canine

Up to 7D$20.85
BCANIS_PCRBrucella canis qPCR*Vaginal/endocervical secretions, Placenta, Foetal tissues and strains/vaccines.Canine5D$285.00
BRUCEL_PCRBrucella ladder PCR (Speciates Brucella spp)Fresh tissues, swabs, PCR from cultureVarious2D$134.60
BR_OVI_CFBrucella ovis CFTClotted blood, serumOvineUp to 5D$12.65
BR_OVI_ABEBrucella ovis Ab ELISA * (1-9 samples)Clotted blood, serum, Lith HepOvineUp to 7D$12.55
BR_OVI_ABEBrucella ovis Ab ELISA * (10-49 samples)Clotted blood, serum, Lith HepOvineUp to 7D$11.75
BR_OVI_ABEBrucella ovis Ab ELISA * (50+ samples)Clotted blood, serum, Lith HepOvineUp to 7D$11.15
B_OVIS_PCRBrucella ovis PCRCulture, tissues, swabsOvine5D$95.40
B_OVIS_CLTBrucella ovis – Selective cultureFresh tissue, semen, swabOvine7D$71.65
BRU_RAMCLTBrucella ovis – Ram – culture and serologyTissue from reproductive tract, semenOvine7D$158.80
BRUCE_CLTBrucella spp – Selective culture Fresh tissue, body fluidsBovine, Ovine7D$71.65
BUNG_PCR Bungowannah Virus Real–time PCR Clotted blood, fresh tissue, semenPorcine3-5D$93.55
BUNG_VN Bungowannah VNT*Clotted bloodPorcine1-2W$48.10

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

^ Only the Afflex© Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) is accepted without additional charges being applied. Submit chilled

* This test is not NATA accredited


Code (Internal use only)Test name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
CE_CRYPTOCalf Enteric Test Strip - Cryptosporidium parvum*FaecesBovine (calf < 6 weeks)1-2D$34.15
CE_K99 Calf Enteric Test Strip - E. coli (K99)*FaecesBovine (calf < 6 weeks)1-2D$34.15
CE_ROTACalf Enteric Test Strip - Rotavirus species A*FaecesBovine (calf < 6 weeks)1-2D$34.15
Various Calf Enteric Test Strip - 2 of the above pathogens*FaecesBovine (calf < 6 weeks)1-2D$57.00
CE_K99_R_C Calf Enteric Test Strip - all 3 of the above pathogens*FaecesBovine (calf < 6 weeks)1-2D$79.80
CFETM_QPCRCampylobacter fetus subspecies multiplex qPCR (C. fetus ssp. fetus, C. fetus ssp. venerealis, C. fetus subsp. testudinum)*CETM transport medium, mucosal washings/scrapings or swabs, PCR from cultureVarious5D$120.25
CAMP_ABELCampylobacter ELISAVaginal swab in PBSTBovineUp to 7D$22.95
CAMP_CLTCampylobacter spp. cultureFoetal stomach contentsBovine7D$71.65
CAMP_NIPCampylobacter fetus subsp. venerealis culturePreputial wash or scraping or vaginal swab (in CETM)Bovine7D$55.90
CAE_ABELCAE Virus Antibody ELISAClotted bloodCaprineUp to 7D$13.55
CAEMV_ABELCAE Virus/Maedi-Visna Virus Antibody ELISAClotted bloodOvineUp to 7D$13.55
CAE_RTPCRCaprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus PCR*EDTA, preserved milkCaprine2-3D$93.55
BEE_MICChalkbrood - microscopyDiseased brood (mummies)Bees1-2D$29.90
CHSRW_PCRChediak Higachi Syndrome - Wagyu* Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
C_ABOR_RTChlamydia abortus qPCR*Fresh tissue or swabsVarious5D$95.40
CHLAM_CFChlamydia CFTClotted blood, serumBovine, Ovine, Caprine, other speciesUp to 5D$17.70
CHLAM_2CFChlamydia CFT 1:2 Export 3Clotted blood, serumBovine, Ovine, CaprineUp to 5D$21.60
CHLAM_4CFChlamydia CFT 1:4 Export 3Clotted blood, serumBovine, Ovine, CaprineUp to 5D$20.45
CHLAME_MLTChlamydia abortion multiplex - Equine PCR panel (Includes C.abortus, C.genus, and C.psittaci)*Placenta, lungEquine5D$120.25
CHLAMO_MLTChlamydia abortion multiplex - Ovine PCR panel (Includes C.abortus, C.genus, and C.pecorum)*Placenta, abomasal fluidOvine5D$120.25
AVCHL_QPCRChlamydia (Avian) Panel PCR (includes Chlamydia psittaci, Chlamydia avium and Chlamydia gallinacea)*Dry or PBGS swab (Nasal, tracheal, conjunctival and/or cloacal), fresh spleen, fresh lungAvian (general)5D$120.25
NPCHL_QPCRChlamydia (Non-Poultry Avian) Panel PCR (includes Chlamydia genus, Chlamydia avium and Chlamydia psittaci)*Dry or PBGS swab (Nasal, tracheal, conjunctival and/or cloacal), fresh spleen, fresh lungAvian (non-poultry)5D$120.25
PCHL_QPCRChlamydia (Poultry) Panel PCR (includes Chlamydia genus, Chlamydia gallinacea and Chlamydia psittaci)*Dry or PBGS swab (Nasal, tracheal, conjunctival and/or cloacal), fresh spleen, fresh lungAvian (poultry)5D$120.25
C_PEC_RTChlamydia pecorum qPCR* Dry or PBGS swab, joint fluid, fresh spleen, fresh lung, fresh brain, fresh liver or abortion tissuesVarious5D$88.60
C_PSIT_RTChlamydia psittaci PCR (Real-time PCR)* Fresh tissue or swab (PBGS or dry)Equine, Avian5D$88.60
CHLAM_PCRCChlamydia spp PCR (Conventional PCR)* Dry or PBGS swab, joint fluid, fresh spleen, fresh lung, fresh brain, fresh liver, abortion tissues or from Real-time PCRVarious5D


CHLAMY_PCRChlamydia Real-time qPCR* Dry or PBGS swab, joint fluid, fresh spleen, fresh lung, fresh brain, fresh liver or abortion tissuesVarious5D$95.40
CITR_PCRCitrullinaemia - Holstein FriesianEar notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
C16RW_PCRClaudin 16 - Wagyu* Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
OUTSOURCED TESTClostridium botulinum toxin
  • Frozen serum
  • Liver
  • Pooled upper GI contents 
    • For ruminants - all forestomachs
    • Birds - crop, proventriculus, ventriculus
  • Pooled lower GI contents
  • Suspct feed
  • A range of fixed tissues (exclusion of other differentials often required to reach a presumptive diagnosis)
DO NOT pool samples from different animals, as it could dilute toxin to undetectable levels.
CL_D_CIEP Clostridium perfringens Toxin Assay (CIEP) Small intestinal contentBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine7D$83.00
CL_PER_MICClostridium sp. - microscopyGut, intestinal content, muscleBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine1-2D$29.90
CCDBR_PCRCoat Colour - Dominant Black* Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
CCRRR_PCRCoat Colour - Recessive Red*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$42.65
CMSR_PCRCongenital Myasthenic Syndrome (CMS) - Brahman*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
OUTSOURCED TESTCopper1ml serum (red top tube) or plasma (Lith-hep)Various1-3D**POA
CORONA_PCRCoronavirus (Bovine) Real-time PCR* Faeces, fresh tissue, swab (PBGS)Bovine2-3D$93.55
HIST_HE1Cysticercus bovis (histopathology)Samples fixed in 10% formalin solution or upon negotiation with the labBovine, other species5D$74.15
CYT_EXAM Cytology Examination* Fluids or smearsAll speciesCall Customer Service $63.95

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

3 Testing completed at this dilution is not NATA accredited due to the non-standard dilution factor. This is for export requests only.

^ Only the Afflex© Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) is accepted without additional charges being applied. Submit chilled

*This test is not NATA accredited

** Working days exclude weekends, public holidays, as well as the duration required for courier services to transport samples to EMAI and subsequently to the external laboratory. All external lab TATs are estimates only and are outside of the departments control.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample typeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
DUMPR_PCRDeficiency of Uridine Monophosphate Synthase PCR (DUMPS) - Holstein Friesian*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
DE_CON_CLTDermatophilus species – Selective cultureFresh tissue, scabAll species7D$71.65
DERMR_PCRDermatosparaxis (ovine) in white dorper sheepEar notch^Ovine10D$30.95
DNA_EXTRDNA Extraction

EDTA, Lith Hep, semen-

Contact Customer Service to discuss before submitting. Note: DNA extraction fee is an additional charge on top of the genetic testing cost.

All species2D$23.50
ID_MATCHDNA Identity Analysis*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine, Ovine, Caprine6W$42.65
PARENTAGEDNA Parentage Analysis*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine, Ovine, Caprine6W$42.65
SPECIES_IDDNA Phylogenetic Analysis*N/A- subsequent analysisAll species7D$139.10
DWARF_PCRDwarfism in Angus*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine 10D $30.95
MY821R_PCRDouble muscling (nt821 del11)  Myostatin Gene*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
MYOSTR_PCRDouble muscling (C313Y) Myostatin GeneEar notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$42.65
FECRT_CALCDrench Test - Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test - 4 groups (with culture)*FaecesBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine8-10D$588.04
FECRT_CALCDrench Test - Faecal Egg Count Reduction Test - additional single group (with culture)*FaecesBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine8-10D$141.15

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements and test turnaround time

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

^ Only the Afflex© Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) is accepted without additional charges being applied. Submit chilled

* This test is not NATA accredited, however, performed in a NATA accredited laboratory.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample typeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
EDS_HIEgg Drop Syndrome Virus HI Test* Clotted bloodAvianUp to 7D$9.25
E_CAN_ABEE.canis IgG ELISA*Clotted blood, Lith HepCanineUp to 5D$23.20
ECAN_QPCRE.canis qPCR*EDTA or ticks (in ethanol)Canine5D$120.25
ECAP_QPCREhrlichia canis/Anaplasma platys multiplex qPCR*EDTA or ticks (in ethanol)Canine5D$120.25
EM_IMMUNO Electron Microscopy (EM) – Immunoelectron Microscopy*Contact Customer ServiceAll speciesContact Customer Service$156.30
EM_NSTAIN Electron Microscopy (EM) – Negative Stain Contact Customer ServiceAll speciesContact Customer Service$156.30
EM_SECT_ID Electron Microscopy (EM) – Section and Identification*Contact Customer ServiceAll speciesContact Customer Service$302.10
EMC_VNEncephalomyocarditis Virus Neutralisation test (VNT)Clotted bloodPorcine, other susceptible species1-3W$48.10
EMC_RTPCREncephalomyocarditis Virus Real Time PCR*Fresh tissuePorcine2-3D$93.55
EBL_AGIDEnzootic Bovine Leucosis (EBL) Virus antibody AGIDClotted bloodBovineUp to 7D$22.10
EBL_ABELEnzootic Bovine Leucosis (EBL) Virus Antibody ELISA (milk or serum)Clotted blood, preserved milkBovineUp to 7D$22.45
EBL_EL_POOLEnzootic Bovine Leucosis Virus Antibody ELISA (Pooled samples- Export ONLY)Clotted blood Contact Customer Service to discuss pooling/export requirements.BovineUp to 7D$22.45
EBL_POOLEnzootic Bovine Leucosis Virus sample pooling (50 samples or part thereof) N/A$50.95
EHD_PCREpizootic Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (EHDV) Real–time PCR EDTA, Fresh tissue, SemenBovine2-3D$93.55
EHD_AGIDEpizootic Haemorrhagic Disease (EHD) Virus Antibody AGID Clotted bloodBovine, Ovine, CaprineUp to 7D$22.10
EHD_VIEpizootic Haemorrhagic Disease (EHD) Virus Isolation

EDTA, fresh tissue and semen

Bovine, Ovine and Caprine4W$151.95
EHNV_PCREpizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis Virus (EHNV) Real-Time PCR*Fish (follow link for list of susceptible species)Aquatic2-4D$93.55
EHV1_PCREquine Herpes Virus 1 (EHV1) Real–time PCR*Fresh tissueEquine2-3D$93.55
EHV4_PCREquine Herpes Virus 4 (EHV4) Real–time PCR*Fresh tissueEquine2-3D$93.55
EHV1_VNTEquine Herpes Virus Type 1 (EHV1) Virus Neutralisation test (VNT)Clotted bloodEquine1-2W$48.10
FLU_MATPCREquine Influenza A matrix Real-time PCRSwabEquine1-2D3$93.55
EI_HIEquine Influenza Virus Antibody HI TestClotted bloodEquineUp to 7D$9.25
EI_ABELEquine Influenza ELISAClotted bloodEquineUp to 7D$16.00
EIA_AGIDEquine Infectious Anaemia (EIA) Virus Antibody AGIDClotted bloodEquineUp to 7D$22.10
EVA_VIEquine Arteritis Virus (EVA) Virus Isolation (VI) 3 passes Semen, Fresh tissueEquine2-3W$151.95
EVA_VNEquine Viral Arteritis (EVA) Virus Neutralisation test (VNT)Clotted bloodEquine3-7D$48.10
EVA_RT_PCREquine Arteritis Virus (EVA) Real–time PCREDTA, Fresh tissue, Semen, Swab (PBGS)Equine2-3D$93.55
E_RHUS_PCRErysipelothrix rhusiopathiae PCR* Culture, joint fluidOvine, Porcine5D$95.40
ERY_SP_PCRErysipelothrix spp. PCR* CultureOvine, Porcine5D$95.40
ERYSIP_CLTErysipelothrix sp. – Selective cultureSwab or fresh tissue or PM sampleOvine, Porcine7D$71.65
ECOLI_SERO E.coli – serotyping (outsourced)Contact Customer ServiceContact Customer ServiceContact Customer ServicePOA
BEE_MICEuropean foulbrood (EFB) and American foulbrood (AFB) – microscopyLarval smear(s) or section of brood comb containing diseased larvaeBees1-2D$29.90
OUTSOURCED TESTEye Fluid Basic Profile (Ca, Mg, BHB, Gluc, Urea, Potassium, Nitrate, Nitrite (semi quant NO3/NO2))0.3ml (minimum) aqueous humour in a plain containerContact Customer Service1-3D**POA
OUTSOURCED TESTEye Fluid Plus Profile (Analytes as “EYE FLUID BASIC PROFILE” plus Ammonia and D-Lactate)0.3ml (minimum) aqueous humour in a plain containerContact Customer Service1-3D**POA
VariousExport testingContact Customer ServiceContact Customer ServiceContact Customer ServicePOA
EXPRESS_WAExpress Parasitology Testing- applies to each sample requiring express testing.N/AVariousExpress TAT- Contact Customer Service to discuss$56.15

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements and test turnaround time.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

Turnaround time is dependent on urgency.

** Working days exclude weekends, public holidays, as well as the duration required for courier services to transport samples to EMAI and subsequently to the external laboratory. All external lab TATs are estimates only and are outside of the departments control.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl GST)
FXIR_PCRFactor XI Deficiency - Holstein Friesian*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairs1Bovine10D$42.65
F11DRW_PCRFactor 11 Deficiency - Wagyu (XI)*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairs1Bovine10D$30.95
F13DRW_PCRFactor 13 Deficiency - Wagyu (XIII)*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairs1Bovine10D$42.65
VariousFaecal Egg Count3

10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)

Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine, Camelid1-2D$18.45
VariousFaecal Egg Count (Egwang & Slowcome method) for exports10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Camelid, Equine2D$40.70
VariousFaecal Egg Count (2 pools of up to 10 samples)5g faeces per animal (submitted individually, pooled testing in the lab)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine,  Camelid1-2D$40.55
VariousFaecal Egg Count (Up to 10 individual samples)10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine, Camelid1-2D$65.55
FECRT_CALCFaecal Egg Count Reduction Test - Drench Test -  4 groups (with Culture)*10g faeces per animal MINIMUMBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Camelid and Equine8-10D$588.04
FECRT_CALCFaecal Egg Count Reduction Test - Drench Test - additional single group (with Culture)*10g faeces per animal MINIMUMBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Camelid and Equine8-10D$141.15
FSH_IDFish genotyping (Bass/Estuary Perch)*Fin clips from adults, fingerlingsAquatic10D$70.85
SIMP_FLOTFlotation concentration (alternative to wet prep)Faeces, Gastro-intestinal contentAll species1-2D$15.90
Fluke (Liver/Stomach) - Qualitative testing presence/absence: individual
(Not export)
20g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Camelid and Equine3-5D$36.20
FLU_QUAL_2Fluke (Liver/Stomach) - Qualitative testing- 2 pools of 5 samples
20g faeces per animal (submitted individually, pooled testing in the lab)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Camelid and Equine3-5D$57.05
FLU_QUAL_5Fluke (Liver/Stomach) - Qualitative testing- 5 pools of 2 samples
20g faeces per animal (submitted individually, pooled testing in the lab)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Camelid and Equine3-5D$98.20
FEC_FLUKEFluke egg count (Liver/Stomach)- Quantitative testing: Individual- (Not-export)20g faeces per animal (submitted individually, pooled testing in the lab)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine and Camelid3-5D$47.60
WT_FLUKE_2Fluke (Liver/Stomach) - Quantitative testing- 2 pools of 5 samples20g faeces per animal submitted individually, pooled testing in the lab)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine and Camelid3-5D$94.55
WT_FLUKE_5Fluke (Liver/Stomach) - Quantitative testing- 5 pools of 2 samples
20g faeces per animal submitted individually, pooled testing in the lab)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine and Camelid3-5D$168.55
FEC_FLU_WA Fluke (Liver/Stomach) Egg Count (inter-state movement)

20g Faeces per animal- MUST be submitted individually and labelled clearly with ID.

Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Camelid and Equine

1-19 samples= 1-2W4

20+ samples- Lab to confirm TAT

If express testing is required, please call and discuss with Customer Service BEFORE samples arrive. Anything less than 5 days will incur express test charges.

We will need the following information: number of samples, sample collection date, date samples will be submitted to the lab, border crossing date and the required reporting date.

FEC_FLU_INFluke (Liver/Stomach) Egg Count (international exports)

20g Faeces per animal- MUST be submitted individually and labelled clearly with ID.

Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Camelid and Equine

1-19 samples= 1-2W4

20+ samples- Lab to confirm TAT

If express testing is required, please call and discuss with Customer Service BEFORE samples arrive. Anything less than 5 days will incur express test charges.

We will need the following information: number of samples, sample collection date, date samples will be submitted to the lab, export date and the required reporting date.


Fluke/Parasitology Express testing-

Note: This charge applies to each sample

If express testing is required, please call and discuss with Customer Service BEFORE samples arrive. Anything less than 5 days will incur express test charges.

We will need the following information: number of samples, sample collection date, date samples will be submitted to the lab, border crossing date and the required reporting date.

FASC_AGELFluke (Liver) Antigen ELISA - Individual10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Bovine, Ovine3-5D$37.60
FASC_EL_2Fluke (Liver) Antigen ELISA - 2 pools of 5 samples10g faeces per animal (submitted individually, pooled testing in the lab)Ovine ONLY3-5D$56.75
FASC_EL_5Fluke (Liver) Antigen ELISA - 5 pools of 2 samples10g faeces per animal (submitted individually, pooled testing in the lab)Bovine, Ovine3-5D$99.25
FASC_EL_BLFluke (Liver) ELISA – BloodClotted bloodBovine, OvineUp to 5D$26.05
FASC_EL_PLFluke (Liver) ELISA – (pool of 5)Clotted blood (submitted individually, pooled testing in the lab)Bovine, OvineUp to 5D$26.05
FASC_POOLFluke (Liver) ELISA – pooling fee (per pool)N/AN/AN/A$6.50
FASC_EL_MKFluke (Liver) ELISA – Bulk Milk*MilkBovineUp to 5D$26.05
N/AFoot and Mouth (FMD)Please refer to the FMD disease page for all disease, sampling and testing information
DI_NOD_CLTFootrot Culture (1-4 swabs) - per swab*Hoof swab in footrot transport media (FTM)Ovine2-4W$128.40
DI_NOD_CLTFootrot Culture (> 5 swabs) - per swab*Hoof swab in footrot transport media (FTM)Ovine2-4W$79.80 per swab ($399.00 for 5)
DI_NOD_ELAFootrot Elastase per isolate* From cultureOvineUp to 28D$62.00
FAV_VN Fowl Adenovirus Virus Neutralisation Test (VNT)Clotted bloodAvian3-4W$133.70

Freemartinism - Male specific*

-DNA extraction fee also applies

EDTA, Lith Hep1Bovine10D$30.95
OUTSOURCED TESTFull Haemogram (FBC)- (PCV, RBC, Hb, MCH, MCV, MCHC, WBC, WBC Differential (from blood smear), Smear evaluation, Protein, Fibrinogen (Bovines, Equines))2 or 7ml whole blood (EDTA/Lith-Hep)Various1-3D**POA
FUNG_ID Fungi – Culture identificationFrom cultureAll speciesUp to 7D$55.90
FUNG_CLT Fungi – Selective culture Tissue, PM sample, swabAll species7D$71.65

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

The following FEC are not NATA accredited tests, however, are conducted in a NATA accredited laboratory:  FEC Avian, FEC Dog and FEC Pig.

^ Only the Afflex© Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) is accepted without additional charges being applied. Submit chilled.

# Contact Customer Service to discuss submission requirements and TAT. Without prior arrangement TAT is 1-2 weeks. Priority service will incur an additional surcharge.

## Contact Customer Services to discuss submission requirements

** Working days exclude weekends, public holidays, as well as the duration required for courier services to transport samples to EMAI and subsequently to the external laboratory. All external lab TATs are estimates only and are outside of the departments control.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease/test pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
GEN_VIGeneral Virus Isolation (VI)- 3 passesContact Customer ServiceVariousVarious$151.95
GEN_4P_VIGeneral Virus Isolation (VI)- 4 passesContact Customer ServiceVariousVarious$231.85
VariousGenetic conditionsVariousVariousVarious

Generally $30.95- $42.65

Refer to specific Test/Disease name in A-Z Test List for specific pricing or Contact Customer Service

OUTSOURCED TESTGlutathione Peroxidase  0.5ml  whole blood (EDTA/Lith-Hep)Various1-3D**POA
GRAM_MICGram stain examinationAll tissueAll species1-2D$29.90

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

** Working days exclude weekends, public holidays, as well as the duration required for courier services to transport samples to EMAI and subsequently to the external laboratory. All external lab TATs are estimates only and are outside of the departments control.


Code (Internal use only)Test name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
H_PARA_PCR Haemophilus parasuis (Glaesserella parasuis) PCR*Joint fluid, tissuesPorcine5D$95.40
HEND_GABELHendra Antibody ELISA (G antigen)Clotted bloodEquine7D$13.55
HEND_RTPCRHendra Virus Real–time PCRClotted blood, EDTA, swab (PBGS)Equine1-2D$93.55
HEND_VPCRHendra Virus (variant) Real–time PCR*Clotted blood, EDTA, swab (PBGS)Equine1-2D$93.55
HTJ_PCR_CHigh throughput Johne's (HTJ) PCR (1-9 samples/ 93+ samples)*Faeces (70ml yellow top container)Bovine, Ovine6W**Quote
HTJ_PCR_CHigh throughput Johne's (HTJ) PCR (10-28 samples)*Faeces (70ml yellow top container)Bovine, Ovine6W**$98.00
HTJ_PCR_CHigh throughput Johne's (HTJ) PCR (29-60 samples)*Faeces (70ml yellow top container)Bovine, Ovine6W**$84.10
HTJ_PCR_CHigh throughput Johne's (HTJ) PCR (61-92 samples)*Faeces (70ml yellow top container)Bovine, Ovine6W**$61.10
HTJPFHigh throughput Johne's (HTJ) pooling fee (per pool)N/AN/AN/A$51.35
HIST_HE1Histopathology – Preparation & ExaminationSamples fixed in 10% formalin solution or upon negotiation with the labAll speciesUp to 10D$74.15
HIST_HE_PRHistopathology – Process & Stain Contract (Cassetted)Samples fixed in 10% formalin solution or upon negotiation with the labAll speciesUp to 5D$19.90
VariousHistopathology – Special StainSamples fixed in 10% formalin solution or upon negotiation with the labAll speciesUp to 5D$47.30
H_SOM_NIP Histophilus somni – Selective cultureTissue, PM sample or swabBovine, Ovine7D$71.65
H_SOMN_PCR Histophilus somni PCRSemen, tissues, cultureBovine, Ovine5D$95.40
MUL_OV_PCRH.somni, B ovis; A seminis - Multiplex PCR AssaySemen, tissues and/or bacterial culture isolatesOvine5D$95.40
HYPPR_PCRHyperkalemic periodic paralysis - Quarter horses*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsEquine10D$30.95

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

** Express testing available. Contact Customer Services

^ Only the Afflex© Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) is accepted without additional charges being applied. Submit chilled


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
IGG_AGID Immunoglobulin G (Bovine) AGID Clotted blood, foetal fluidBovineUp to 7D$22.10
IGG_AGID_HImmunoglobulin G (Bovine) AGID - High ConcentrationClotted bloodBovineUp to 7D$22.10
IBR_ABELInfectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) ELISAClotted bloodBovine3-5D$19.05
IBR_RT_PCRInfectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) Real–time PCRSwab (PBGS), fresh tissue, semenBovine2-3D$93.55
IBR2_VI or IBR3_VIInfectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus Isolation (2 or 3 passes)Swab (PBGS), fresh tissue, semenBovine3-4W$151.95
IBR_VNInfectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) Virus Neutralisation test (VNT) Clotted bloodBovine1-2W$48.10
ILT_PCRInfectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT) Virus Real–time PCR*Swab (PBGS), fresh tissueAvian2-3D$93.55
ISKNV_PCRInfectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus RT-PCR (ISKNV RT PCR)*Fresh Tissue (Contact Customer Service to confirm with the lab)Aquatic2-3D$93.55
AI_AGID Influenza A Antibody AGID Clotted bloodAvianUp to 7D$22.10
AI_ABEL, EI_ABELInfluenza Antibody ELISAClotted bloodAvian, EquineUp to 7D$16.00
FLU_MATPCR Influenza A matrix Real–time PCR Swab (PBGS), fresh tissueEquine, Avian, Porcine1-2D$93.55
ICMR_PCRInherited Congenital Myoclonus - Poll Hereford*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

^ Only the Afflex© Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) is accepted without additional charges being applied. Submit chilled


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
JEV_ABELJapanese encephalitis (JEV) Virus Antibody ELISA*Clotted Blood, CSFPorcine, Equine7-10D$13.55
JEV_PCRJapanese encephalitis (JEV) Virus Real-Time PCR*Swabs (PBGS), Fresh tissue, CSFPorcine, Equine2-3D$93.55
JD_FC_HELQJohne's Disease (Bovine) – Herd Environmental Liquid Culture* FaecesBovine14-16W$128.40
JD_CLT_LIQJohne's Disease Individual Faecal & Tissue Culture plus Indicator* Faeces, fresh tissueBovine, Ovine, Caprine14-16W$109.90
JD_CLT_LPJohne's Disease Pooled Faecal Culture plus Indicator* FaecesBovine, Ovine, Caprine14-16W$128.40
OJD_AGID, CJD_AGIDJohne's (Ovine/Caprine) Disease AGID TestClotted bloodOvine, CaprineUp to 5D$16.55
JD_CFJohne's Disease CFTClotted bloodBovine, Ovine, CaprineUp to 5D$14.70
VariousJohne's Disease ELISA Clotted blood, lith hep, milkBovine, Ovine, Caprine, DeerUp to 5D$13.80
JD_MS_EL_IDJohne's Disease ELISA (multispecies)*Clotted blood, lith hepCamelidUp to 5D$13.60
N/AJohne's Disease High Throughput PCR - see "H"*FaecesBovine, OvineVaries- refer to HVaries- refer to H
JD_STR_LIQJohne's Disease Strain Typing PCR*From cultureBovine10W$93.25
JD_SUB_LIQJohne's Disease Subculture*From cultureBovine, Ovine, Caprine10W$39.30

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

* This test is not NATA accredited, however, conducted in a NATA accredited laboratory.


Code (Internal use only)Test name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample typeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
N/AKunjin Virus testing (see West Nile Virus) N/AN/AN/AN/A

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
LARVAL_DOLarval Differentiation Only10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine, Camelid8-10D$46.60

Larval Differentiation -In parallel with FEC

(FEC charged separately)

10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine, Camelid8-10D$34.65

Larval Differentiation for Horse Worm Test

(Horse FEC charged separately)

10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Equine8-10D$34.65
LFSR_PCRLavender Foal Syndrome - Arabian horses*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsEquine10D$30.95
LAW_ABELLawsonia intracellularis Ab ELISAClotted bloodPorcineUp to 5D$26.45
L_INT_PCRLawsonia intracellularis PCR*Faeces, intestinal contents, intestinal tissuePorcine5D$95.40
LINAP_QPCRLawsonia intracellularis qPCR <10 samples*Faeces, intestinal contents, intestinal tissuePorcine5-7DQuote Required
LINAP_QPCRLawsonia intracellularis qPCR 10-22 samples*Faeces, intestinal contents, intestinal tissuePorcine5-7D$106.25
LINAP_QPCRLawsonia intracellularis qPCR 23-87 samples*Faeces, intestinal contents, intestinal tissuePorcine5-7D$99.05
LINAP_QPCRLawsonia intracellularis qPCR 88+ samples*Faeces, intestinal contents, intestinal tissuePorcine5-7D$95.65
OUTSOURCED TESTLead0.5ml whole blood (Lith-Hep/EDTA)Various1-3D**Contact Customer Service
L_AUS_MALeptospira australis MATClotted blood, aborted foetusBovineUp to 5D$15.10
L_CAN_MALeptospira canicola MATClotted blood, aborted foetusBovine, CanineUp to 5D$15.10
L_COP_MALeptospira copenhageni MATClotted blood, aborted foetusBovine, Canine, FelineUp to 5D$15.10
L_GRI_MALeptospira grippotyphosa MATClotted blood, aborted foetusBovine, Canine, Caprine, FelineUp to 5D$15.10
L_HAR_MALeptospira hardjo MATClotted blood, aborted foetusBovine, OvineUp to 5D$15.10
L_ICT_MALeptospira icterohaemorrhagiae MAT    Clotted blood, aborted foetusCanine, CaprineUp to 5D$15.10
L_POM_MALeptospira pomona MAT  Clotted blood, aborted foetusBovine, Caprine, Equine, Porcine, OvineUp to 5D$15.10
L_TAR_MALeptospira tarassovi MAT  Clotted blood, aborted foetusBovine, Equine, PorcineUp to 5D$15.10
L_ZAN_MALeptospira zanoni MAT  Clotted blood, aborted foetusBovineUp to 5D$15.10
LEPTO_PCRLeptospira sp. Real–time PCR* Urine, kidneyVarious5D$88.60
L_IVAN_PCRListeria ivanovii PCR* CultureBovine, Ovine, Caprine5D$95.40
L_MONO_PCRListeria monocytogenes PCR* CultureBovine5D$95.40
LIST_CULT Listeria sp. - Selective cultureFresh tissue, fluid, aborted foetusAll species7D$71.65
FASC_AGELLiver Fluke Antigen ELISA - individual10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Bovine, Ovine3-5D$37.60
FASC_EL_2Liver Fluke Antigen ELISA - pooled (2 pools of 5 samples)10g faeces per animal (submitted individually, pooled testing in the lab)Ovine ONLY3-5D$56.75
FASC_EL_5Liver Fluke Antigen ELISA - pooled (5 pools of 2 samples)10g faeces per animal (submitted individually, pooled testing in the lab)Bovine, Ovine3-5D$99.25
FASC_EL_BLLiver Fluke ELISA – BloodClotted bloodBovine, OvineUp to 7D$26.05
FASC_EL_PLLiver Fluke ELISA – (pool of 5)Clotted bloodBovine, OvineUp to 7D$26.05
FASC_POOLLiver Fluke ELISA – pooling fee (per pool)N/AN/AN/A$6.50
FASC_EL_MKLiver Fluke ELISA – Bulk MilkMilkBovineUp to 7D$26.05

Liver fluke (Liver/Stomach) Egg Count for International Exports (individual testing only)

  • 20g Faeces per animal
  • Samples individually submitted
  • Clearly labelled with ID.
Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Camelid and Equine

1-19 samples= 1-2W4

20+ samples- Lab to confirm TAT

If express testing is required, please call and discuss with Customer Service BEFORE samples arrive. Anything less than 5 days will incur express test charges.

We will need the following information: number of samples, sample collection date, date samples will be submitted to the lab, export date and the required reporting date.


Liver fluke (Liver/Stomach) Egg Count for export to Western Australia (individual testing only)

  • 20g Faeces per animal
  • Samples individually submitted
  • Clearly labelled with ID.
Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Camelid and Equine

1-19 samples= 1-2W4

20+ samples- Lab to confirm TAT

If express testing is required, please call and discuss with Customer Service BEFORE samples arrive. Anything less than 5 days will incur express test charges.

We will need the following information: number of samples, sample collection date, date samples will be submitted to the lab, border crossing date and the required reporting date.



Liver fluke/Parasitology Express testing-

Note: This charge applies to each sample

If express testing is required, please call and discuss with Customer Service BEFORE samples arrive. Anything less than 5 days will incur express test charges.

We will need the following information: number of samples, sample collection date, date samples will be submitted to the lab, border crossing date and the required reporting date.

ID_SIMPLiver fluke snail identification- simple singleWhole parasite- Liver Fluke SnailAll speciesSimple single ID- Up to 5D$74.05
ID_COMPLiver fluke snail identification- complex singleWhole parasite- Liver Fluke SnailAll speciesComplex single ID- Up to 10D$87.75
F_LUNGWORMLungworm Test (Baermann)10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)- MUST be submitted fresh <48 hours from collection. Do not chill.Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Feline and Canine2D$53.20

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

3 Without prior arrangement 1-2 weeks. Priority service will incur an additional surcharge. Please contact Customer Service
to discuss.

^ Only the Afflex© Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) is accepted without additional charges being applied. Submit chilled

** Working days exclude weekends, public holidays, as well as the duration required for courier services to transport samples to EMAI and subsequently to the external laboratory. All external lab TATs are estimates only and are outside of the departments control.


Code (Internal use only)Test name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)

Male Specific PCR (Freemartinism)*

-DNA extraction fee also applies

EDTA^^, Lith Hep^^Bovine10D$30.95
MCFV_RTPCRMalignant Catarrhal Fever Virus Real–time PCR*EDTABovine2-3D$93.55
MHAEM_QPCRMannheimia haemolytica qPCR*Swabs, Lung tissueBovine, Ovine, Caprine5D$88.60
MSUDRH_PCRMaple Syrup Urine Disease - Poll HerefordEar notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
MSUDRS_PCRMaple Syrup Urine Disease - Shorthorn*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$42.65
MILK_CLTMastitis cultureMilkBovine 4D$30.40
MILK_CL_IDMastitis- Identification of bacterial isolate from mastitis cultureFrom cultureBovineUp to 7D$52.00
Mastitis Antibiotic Sensitivity- Gram positive and negativeMilk/udder fluid, and Udder/Mammary tissuesVarious3D$21.35
MEN_VNMenangle VNT*Clotted bloodPorcine1-3W$48.10
Various Microscopy Smear – Prepare and examine All tissueAll species1-2D$29.90
MPBLR_PCRMilk protein beta-Lactoglobulin - Dairy breeds*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$42.65
MPKCR_PCRMilk protein kappa-Casein - Dairy breeds*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
MUL_OV_PCR Multiplex PCR Assay – B ovis; A seminis; H somni*Semen, tissue, cultureOvine5D$95.40
ECAP_QPCRMultiplex qPCR Ehrlichia canis/Anaplasma platys*EDTA or Ticks (in ethanol)Canine5D$120.25
SALM_MULTIMultiplex PCR for Salmonella, Salmonella Group D and Salmonella Enteritidis*Faeces, Environmental swabs and eggsBovine, Ovine, Avian2D$127.45
MVE_PCR Murray Valley Encephalitis qRT Real–time PCR*Fresh brain stem, CSFEquine2-3D$93.55
MVE_ABEL Murray Valley Encephalitis Virus Antibody ELISA*Clotted bloodEquine, other susceptible species7-10D$13.55
N/AMoraxella bovis PCR- see B for "Bovine pinkeye panel" *Conjunctival Swab (Dry or in PBGS)Bovine5DRefer to B- "Bovine pinkeye panel"
N/AMoraxella bovoculi PCR- see B for "Bovine pinkeye panel" *Conjunctival Swab (Dry or in PBGS)Bovine5DRefer to B- "Bovine pinkeye panel"
N/AMoraxella ovis PCR- see O for "Ovine pinkeye panel" *Conjunctival Swab (Dry or in PBGS)Ovine5DRefer to O- "Ovine pinkeye panel"

Mycoplasma bovis Rosetti Real Time PCR (for export to New Zealand)- To meet MPI NZ standards, the lab tests in duplicate for each animal= 2 x $88.60 ex GST.

Total= $177.20 ex GST per animal*

5 x semen straws- chilled or frozenBovine2-5D$177.20 (Duplicate testing- 2 x $88.60)
MYCOB_QPCRMycoplasma bovis PCR* (non-NZ export submissions)Semen, milk, fresh lungBovine5D$88.60
MCCP_QPCRMycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae qPCR*Fresh lung tissue, pleural fluid, mediastinal lymph nodes, or swabs thereof and bronchoalveolar washings.Caprine & Ovine5D$88.60
MYCO_DIRMycoplasma – Direct culture (Diagnostic samples only)Fresh tissue, swabBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Porcine, Avian7D$58.60
MYCO_INDIRMycoplasma 28 day Indirect culture methodBiological Products (I.e. BSA, FBS, etc)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Porcine, Avian5-6W (Friday set-up only)$355.30
MYCO_RTPCRMycoplasma sp. qPCR*Swab, tissuesBovine, Ovine, Caprine5D$88.60
MYCGS_QPCRMycoplasma gallisepticum/Mycoplasma synoviae duplex PCR*Dry or PBGS swab (lung, tracheal, nasal, cloacal), fresh lungAvian5D$95.40
M_HYO_ABELMycoplasma hyopneumoniae Antibody ELISA3Clotted blood, Lith HepPorcineUp to 7D$20.75
M_HYO_PCRMycoplasma hyopneumoniae PCR* Culture, lung tissue, tracheal or nasal swabPorcine5D$88.60
MYCO_MELMycoplasma meleagridis PCR (Real-time PCR)*Tracheal swab, nasal & air-sac swab, tissuePorcine5D$88.60
MYCO_O_PCR Mycoplasma ovis PCR*EDTA, fresh spleenOvine5D$88.60
MOVIP_QPCRMycoplasma ovipneumoniae qPCR*Nasal swab, tracheal swab, lung tissueOvine5D$88.60
MYOPR_PCRMyophosphorylase Deficiency - CharolaisEar notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
MYOSTR_PCRMyostatin Gene C313Y (Double-Muscling)Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$42.65
MY821R_PCRMyostatin Gene nt821 del11 (Double-Muscling)*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
MYO_GOATMyotonia Congenita*Ear notch^ (Preferred sample), 30-40 tail hairsCaprine6-8W$42.65

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

3 Please contact the Customer Service 1-2 weeks before submitting samples.

^ Only the Allflex© Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) is accepted without additional charges being applied. Submit chilled

^^ DNA extraction fee applies

*Test is not NATA accredited


Code (Internal use only)Test name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
VariousNematode Egg Count (Modified McMaster)10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine, Camelid1-2D$18.45
FEC_ZOO_20Nematode Egg Count (Modified McMaster) General Zoo Animals (≤3 samples – price per sample)*10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Zoo- Contact Customer Service1-2D$22.75
FEC_ZOO_20Nematode Egg Count (Modified McMaster) General Zoo Animals (up to 5 samples – per batch)*10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Zoo- Contact Customer Service1-2D$90.00
FEC_ZOO_40Nematode Egg Count (Modified McMaster) Predator (Zoonotic) per sample*10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Zoo- Contact Customer Service1-2D$31.80
NEO_ABELNeospora Antibody ELISA* Clotted Blood and Foetal fluidBovineUp to 7D$13.55
NDV_HINewcastle Disease Virus HI TestClotted bloodAvianUp to 7D$9.25
NDV_RT_PCRNewcastle Disease Virus Real–time PCRSwab (PBGS), fresh tissueAvian1-3D$187.20
NPC_PCRNiemann Pick Type C*

Ear notch^, 30-40 Tail hairs

NO3_NO2_AQ Nitrate/Nitrite Strip Test (Aqueous Humour)*Aqueous humourAll species1D$20.75
NO3_NO2 Nitrate/Nitrite Dipstick Test (Plant Material)*Feed, fresh plantsN/A1D$23.25
NODA_PCR Nodavirus Real–time PCR Fresh tissue, whole fishAquaticUp to 7D$93.55
NPCHL_QPCRNon-Poultry Avian Chlamydia Panel (Includes C genus, C avium & C psittaci)*Dry or PBGS Swab (Nasal, Tracheal, Conjunctival and/or Cloacal), Fresh Spleen, Fresh Lung.Avian
NOS_BE_MIC Nosema – microscopy10-25 adult beesBees1-2D$29.90

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

3 Contact Customer Service regarding the species and/or sample requirements

^ Only the Afflex© Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) is accepted without additional charges being applied. Submit chilled


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
OSHV_PCR Ostreid Herpes Virus-1 Real–time PCR*Whole fresh oysterAquaticUp to 7D$93.55
DERMR_PCROvine Dermatosparaxis - Dorper sheep^Ear notch^Ovine10D$30.95
OJD_EL_IDOvine Johne's Disease Ab ELISAClotted blood, lith hep, EDTAOvineUp to 5D$13.80
OPINK_QPCROvine Pinkeye Panel PCR- Moraxella ovis, Mycoplasma conjunctivae, Chlamydia pecorum *Conjunctival Swab (Dry or in PBGS)Ovine5D$120.25
OYSTER_NECOyster NecropsyContact Customer ServiceAquatic- OysterContact Customer ServiceContact Customer Service

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

^ Only the Afflex© Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) is accepted without additional charges being applied. Submit chilled. Ear Notch sample collection tubes can be ordered online.

* This test is not NATA accredited.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
PCV_TPPPacked cell Volume (Haematocrit Test) /Total Plasma protein Blood Test (Clinical refractometer)EDTAAll species1D$17.40
PA_LAR_CLT Paenibacillus larvae (AFB) honey/bee culture <10 samplesMinimum 100ml (145g) honeyBeesUp to 12D$42.85
PA_LAR_CLTPaenibacillus larvae (AFB) honey/bee culture >10 Samples (single submission only, requiring one report)Minimum 100ml (145g) honeyBeesUp to 12D$38.60
PI3_VI Parainfluenza 3 Virus Isolation (3 passes)Swab (PBGS), fresh tissueBovine3-4W$151.95
PI3_ABEL Parainfluenza Virus Antibody ELISA Clotted bloodBovine7-10D$28.85
PI3_RTPCRParainfluenza 3 Virus Real-time PCR*Swab (PBGS), fresh tissueBovine2-3D$93.55
ID_SIMP Parasite Identification (simple single)Whole parasite- Liver Fluke Snail, Tick, Other samples- contact Customer ServiceAll speciesUp to 5D$74.05
ID_COMP Parasite Identification (complex single)Whole parasite- Liver Fluke Snail, Tick, Other samples- contact Customer ServiceAll speciesUp to 10D$87.75
ID_5Parasite Identification (up to 5 organisms)Whole parasite- Liver Fluke Snail, Tick, Other samples- contact Customer ServiceAll speciesUp to 10D$110.00
ID_10Parasite Identification (up to 10 organisms)Whole parasite- Liver Fluke Snail, Tick, Other samples- contact Customer ServiceAll speciesUp to 10D$150.00
ID_MAXParasite Identification (multiple organisms)Whole parasite- Liver Fluke Snail, Tick, Other samples- contact Customer ServiceAll speciesUp to 10D$190.00

Parasitology Test Page

All tests provided by parasitology will be on this page


Parasitology express testing

Note: This charge is applied to each sample that requires express testing

If express testing is required, please call and discuss with Customer Service BEFORE samples arrive. Anything less than 5 days will incur express test charges.

We will need the following information: number of samples, sample collection date, date samples will be submitted to the lab, border crossing date and the required reporting date.

WET_PREPParasitology – Wet Preparation & Microscopic Examination Faeces, intestinal contentAll species1-2D$17.30
N/APasteurella sp. serotyping (outsourced)Contact Customer Service
P_MULT_PCRPasteurella multocida PCR*Swabs, PCR from cultureBovine, Porcine, Avian 5D$95.40
PMULTO_QPCRPasteurella multocida qPCR*Swabs, lung tissue, PCR from cultureBovine, Porcine, Avian 5D$88.60
OUTSOURCED TESTPepsinogen0.2ml (min) serum/plasma (Plain/Lith-Hep/EDTA)Various1-3D**POA
PERK_PCRPerkinsus spp.qPCRAbalone tissue, cultureAquatic- Abalone     5D$88.60
IARS_PCRPerinatal Weak Calf Syndrome in Wagyu cattle*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
PEST_AGIDPestivirus Antibody AGID (BVD)Clotted blood, foetal fluidBovine, Ovine3-5D$22.10
PEST_ABELPestivirus Antibody ELISA (BVD)Clotted BloodBovineUp to 7D $24.35
PEST_MILKPestivirus Antibody ELISA in MilkBulk milkBovineUp to 7D$24.35
PEST_SK_SEPestivirus Antigen ELISA (PACE) – Serum or Skin (1–9 samples)Clotted blood, EDTA3, ear notch3Bovine, Ovine, Caprine5-7D$17.50
PEST_SK_SEPestivirus Antigen ELISA (PACE) – Serum or Skin (10-19 samples)Clotted blood, EDTA3, ear notch3Bovine, Ovine, Caprine5-7D$12.85
PEST_SK_SEPestivirus Antigen ELISA (PACE) – Serum or Skin (>20 samples)Clotted blood, EDTA3, ear notch3Bovine, Ovine, Caprine5-7D$11.00
PEST2_VIPestivirus Isolation (2 passes)Clotted blood, swab (PBGS), semenBovine, Ovine3-4W$104.05
PEST3_VIPestivirus Isolation (3 passes)Clotted blood, swab (PBGS), semenBovine, Ovine3-4W$143.90
PI_TESTPestivirus PI Test® – Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (1–9 samples)20-30 tail hairsBovine5-7D$17.50
PI_TESTPestivirus PI Test® – Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (10–19) samples)20-30 tail hairsBovine5-7D$12.85
PI_TESTPestivirus PI Test® – Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Virus (>20 samples)20-30 tail hairsBovine5-7D$11.00
PEST_RTPCRPestivirus Real–time PCRClotted blood, EDTA, bulk milk, swab (PBGS), fresh tissue, semenBovine, Ovine2-3D$93.55
PEST_VNPestivirus Virus Neutralisation Test (VNT)Clotted bloodBovine, Ovine, Caprine1-2W$48.10
PEST2_VIPestivirus Virus Isolation (VI) (2 passes)Clotted blood, swabs (PBGS), semenBovine, Ovine3-4W$109.90
PEST3_VIPestivirus Virus Isomation (VI) (3 passes)Clotted blood, swabs (PBGS), semenBovine, Ovine3-4W$151.95
PH_FLUIDS pH at 25° celsius (Fluids)*Stomach content, waterAll species1D$13.30
B_HYO_PCRPig Enteric PCR (Brachyspira hyodysenteriae PCR)* Faeces, intestinal content, intestinal tissue, culturePorcine5D$88.60
B_PILO_PCRPig Enteric PCR (Brachyspira pilosicoli PCR)*Faeces, intestinal content, intestinal tissue, culturePorcine5D$88.60
BRACHY_PCRPig Enteric PCR (Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and pilosicoli multiplex)*Faeces, intestinal content, intestinal tissue, culturePorcine5D$95.40
L_INT_PCRPig Enteric PCR (Lawsonia intracellularis)*Faeces, intestinal content, intestinal tissue, culturePorcine5D$95.40
MUL_PE_PCRPig Enteric PCR (B hyodysenteriae; B pilosicoli; L intracellularis)* Faeces, intestinal content, intestinal tissue, culturePorcine5D$134.60
PPMV1_PCRPigeon Paramyxovirus Real–time PCR* Swab (PBGS), fresh tissueAvian2-3D$93.55
ROTAP_PCRPigeon Rotavirus Real-time PCRSwab (PBGS), fresh tissueAvian2-3D$93.55
BPINK_QPCRPinkeye (Bovine) PCR Panel (Includes: Moraxella bovis, Moraxella bovoculi, Mycoplasma bovis)*Conjunctival Swab (dry or in PBGS)Bovine5D$120.25
OPINK_QPCRPinkeye (Ovine) PCR Panel (Includes: Moraxella ovis, Mycoplasma conjunctivae, Chlamydia pecorum)*Conjunctival Swab (dry or in PBGS)Ovine5D$120.25
PIN_HORSEPinworm – Horse*Tape4Equine3-5D$36.25
BA_ANT_SSPMB stain for Bacillus anthracisBlood smear, fresh tissueBovine, Ovine & Caprine1D$29.90
E7R_PCRPompe's Disease E7 - BrahmanEar notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
E13R_PCRPompe's Disease E13 - Brahman*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
E18R_PCRPompe's Disease E18 - ShorthornEar notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$42.65
PCV2_RTPCR Porcine Circovirus Type 2 (PCV2) Real–time PCR Clotted blood, fresh tissuePorcine2-5D$93.55
PCV3_RTPCRPorcine Circovirus Type 3 (PCV3) Real–time PCR*Contact Customer ServicePorcine2-3D$93.55
PPV_RT_PCR Porcine Parvovirus Real–time PCR*Fresh tissuePorcine2-3D$93.55
Various Post Mortem – click for further informationWhole animalAll speciesSee Post Mortem infoVarious- see PM Page
PCHL_QPCRPoultry Chlamydia Panel PCR- Chlamydia (genus), Chlamydia gallinacea, Chlamydia psittaci *Dry or PBGS swab (Nasal, tracheal, conjunctival and/or cloacal), fresh spleen, fresh lungAvian (Poultry)5D$120.25
NPCHL_QPCRNon-Poultry Chlamydia Panel PCR-Chlamydia (genus), Chlamydia avium, Chlamydia psittaci *Dry or PBGS swab (Nasal, tracheal, conjunctival and/or cloacal), fresh spleen, fresh lungAvian (Non-Poultry)5D$120.25
OUTSOURCED TESTPrion Protein Exclusion

Unfixed, frozen cervical spinal cord (2-3cm)

Fresh dorsal third of cerebellum (sheep). NB if not included in sheep submissions, will be deemed TSE ineligible.

Whole, undistorted brain (preferably fixed)

Other tissue specimens (optional)- recommended to support alternate diagnosis.

Bovine, OvinePOAPOA
PROTOR_PCRProtoporphyria - LimousinEar notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
PICRIC_HCN Prussic Acid Screen* Fresh plant with rootsN/A1D$42.85
PPHA_PCRPulmonary Hypoplasia with Anasarca in Persian sheep*Ear notch^Ovine10D$30.95

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

3 EDTA and ear notch are not suitable samples for Ovine or Caprine - clotted blood only.

4 Contact Customer Service to speak to the lab regarding collection tape samples for this test.

^ Only the Afflex© Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) is accepted without additional charges being applied. Submit chilled.

* This test is not NATA accredited

** Working days exclude weekends, public holidays, as well as the duration required for courier services to transport samples to EMAI and subsequently to the external laboratory. All external lab TATs are estimates only and are outside of the departments control.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
Q_FEV_CF Q-Fever (Coxiella burnetii) Complement Fixation test (CFT)Clotted bloodCaprine, Canine, other speciesUp to 5D$26.30
QFMS_EL_IDQ-Fever (Coxiella burnetii) Antibody ELISA (Multispecies)*Clotted blood, Lith HepCamelidUp to 5D$15.80
Q_FEV_ABELQ-Fever (Coxiella burnetii) Antibody ELISAClotted blood, Lith HepBovine, Ovine, CaprineUp to 5D$28.50
QF_IFATQ Fever C. burnetti IFAT < 8 samples*Clotted bloodCamelidUp to 5DContact Customer Service
QF_IFATQ Fever C. burnetti IFAT 9-16 samples*Clotted bloodCamelidUp to 5D$67.25
QF_IFATQ Fever C. burnetti IFAT 17-32 samples*Clotted bloodCamelidUp to 5D$45.90
QFEV_QPCRQ-Fever (Coxiella burnetii) PCR*Placental tissue, semen, faecesBovine, Ovine, Caprine, EquineUp to 5D$95.40
OYSTER_MICQX – examination of Impression SmearsOystersAquaticUp to 5D$63.95
QX_PCRQX Disease - PCR for Marteilia sydneyi 1-49 samples*Oyster digestive glandAquatic5D$88.60
QX_PCRQX Disease - PCR for Marteilia sydneyi 50+ samples*Oyster digestive glandAquatic5D$62.05

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
RHDV1_ABEL Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease virus 1 Antibody ELISAClotted bloodRabbitUp to 7D$13.55
RHDV2_ABELRabbit Haemorrhagic Disease virus 2 Antibody ELISAClotted bloodRabbitUp to 7D$13.55
RHDV1_AGEL Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease virus 1 Antigen Capture ELISAFresh liverRabbitUp to 7D$13.55
RHDV1_RTPCRabbit Haemorrhagic Disease virus 1 Real Time PCR*Fresh liverRabbit2-3D$93.55
RHDV2_RTPCRabbit Haemorrhagic Disease virus 2 Real Time PCR*Fresh liverRabbit2-3D$93.55
FECRT_CALCResistance Test - FECRT 4 Groups (with Culture)FaecesOvine, Bovine, Caprine, Equine8-10D$588.04
FECRT_CALCResistance Test - FECRT Single Group (with Culture)FaecesOvine, Bovine, Caprine, Equine8-10D$141.15
RSV_ABEL Respiratory Syncytial Virus Antibody ELISA Clotted bloodBovineContact Customer Service$28.85
BRSV_RTPCRRespiratory Syncytial Virus Real Time PCR*Swab (PBGS), fresh tissueBovine2-3D$93.55
RR_VNRoss River Virus Neutralisation test (VNT)Clotted bloodEquine1-2W$48.10
ROTA_PCR Rotavirus Real–time PCR*FaecesBovine, Porcine2-3D$93.55
ROTAP_PCR Rotavirus (Pigeon) Real–time PCR*Swab (PBGS) fresh tissueAvian2-3D$93.55
AER_CLT Routine Aerobic culture (Bacteriology) Tissue, PM sample, swabAll species3-5D$48.15
OUTSOURCED TESTRuminant General Profile
(GGT, GLDH, AST, Bil, Alb, Prot, Glob, A/G Ratio, Urea, Creat, CK, Urea/Creat Ratio, Ca, Mg, P, BHB, Haptoglobin)
0.5ml serum/plasma (Plain/Lith-Hep)Various1-3D**POA
OUTSOURCED TESTRuminant Liver Enzymes Profile
(GGT, GLDH, AST, CK, Bil, Bile Acids, Alb, Prot, Glob, A/G Ratio, Haptoglobin)
0.5ml serum/plasma (Plain/Lith-Hep/EDTA)Various1-3D**POA
OUTSOURCED TESTRuminant Downer Profile
(Ca, Mg, P, BHB, CK, Prot, Alb, Glob, A/G Ratio, Haptoglobin)
0.5ml serum/plasma (Plain/Lith-Hep)Various1-3D**POA
OUTSOURCED TESTRuminant Mineral Plus Profile
(Cu, Zn, Glutathione Peroxidase, Vit B12, Ca, Mg, P, SO4 , BHB, GGT, GLDH, AST, CK, Prot, Alb, Glob, A/G Ratio, Pepsinogen, Urea, Creatinine, Haptoglobin)
1.5mL Serum/Plasma + Lith-Hep red cells (Plain + Lith-Hep)Various1-3D**POA

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

** Working days exclude weekends, public holidays, as well as the duration required for courier services to transport samples to EMAI and subsequently to the external laboratory. All external lab TATs are estimates only and are outside of the departments control.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
SA_DUB_SASalmonella dublin SATClotted bloodBovine, OvineUp to 5D$17.75
SALM_EQPCRSalmonella Enteriditis qPCR*Faeces, environmental swabs, and eggsAvian2D$76.35
SALM_GQPCRSalmonella Gallinarum PCR*Intestinal, cloacal content, cecal tonsil, liver, gall bladder, spleen and strains/vaccinesAvian2D$285.00
SA_GPD_ABESalmonella Group-D Antibody ELISA*Clotted bloodAvianUp to 5D$25.35
SALM_MULTISalmonella Multiplex qPCR: Salmonella, Salmonella group D, S. Enteritidis, S. Typhimurium*Faeces, environmental swabs, and eggsAvian2D - Outbreak Response

5-7D - Surveillance
SALM_PQPCRSalmonella Pullorum PCR*Intestinal, cloacal content, cecal tonsil, liver, gall bladder, spleen and strains/vaccinesAvian2D$285.00
SALM_DQPCRSalmonella serogroup D qPCR*Faeces, environmental swabs, and eggsAvian2D$76.35
SALM_QPCRSalmonella spp. qPCR*Faeces, environmental swabs, and eggsAvian2D$76.35
SALM_CLTSalmonella – Selective cultureFresh tissue, faeces, environmental samplesAll species3-7D$71.65
SA_TYP_SASalmonella typhimurium SATClotted bloodBovine, OvineUp to 5D$17.75
SER_PROTSerum protein* (Clinical refractometer)Lith-HepAll species1D$2.50
SIM_I_ABEL Simbu Virus Indirect Antibody ELISA Clotted bloodBovine, Ovine7-10D$15.00
SPEC_GRAVSpecific Gravity (Urine)*(clinical refractometer)UrineAll species1D$2.50
SB3RW_PCRSpherocytosis (B3) - Wagyu*Ear notch^, 30-40 tail hairsBovine10D$30.95
SEQUI_CULTStreptococcus equi subsp. equi – Selective culture Pus, swab in Amies transport mediaEquine

Within 48 hours (Monday-Thursday submissions)3

Within 96 hours (Friday submissions)3

S_EQUI_PCRStreptococcus equi subsp. equi PCR* Culture, swabs and guttural pouch washEquine5D$95.40
S_INI_PCR Streptococcus iniae PCR*Culture, tissue, swabAquatic5D$95.40
S_SUIS_PCR Streptococcus suis PCR*Culture, tissue, swabPorcine5D$95.40

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

3 Results expected to be finalised within this TAT from the time samples are received in the testing laboratory. Please note this TAT does not include confirmatory testing.

^ Only the Allflex© Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) is accepted without additional charges being applied. Submit chilled / ear notch^ (Preferred sample),  30-40 tail hairs


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
TAYEQ_QPCRTaylorella equigenitalis qPCR*Reproductive swabs and strains/vaccinesEquine2D$285.00
TEQUI_QPCRTheileria equi qPCR*Individual or pooled specimens (up to five) such as blood/serum, liver, spleen, kidney, ticks and strains/vaccinesEquine2D$285.00
TMPSP_PCRTheileria orientalis qPCR*EDTA, Lith Hep, fresh spleen, Clotted blood4Bovine5D$68.95
TFEV_QPCRTick fever qPCR (Includes Babesia bovis, Babesia bigemina and Anaplasma marginale*EDTA, fresh spleenBovine2D$216.85
TICK_C_EXMTick identification- Parasite Identification (simple- single)Whole parasite- Tick3All speciesUp to 5D$74.05
TOX_LATToxoplasma Latex TestClotted blood, serumOvine, Caprine, FelineUp to 5D$14.35
TRICH_NIPTrichomonas foetus culturePreputial scrapingsBovine7D$45.35
TRICHO_PCRTrichomonas PCR* Tissue, mucosal swabs/scrapings, cultureBovine5D$95.40
TFOET_QPCRTrichomonas foetus qPCR*Tissue, mucosal swabs/scrapings, cultureBovine5D$88.60
A_PYO_PCR Trueperella pyogenes PCR* From CultureBovine, Ovine, Porcine, Caprine, Equine5D$95.40

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

3 Contact Customer Service for instruction how to collect and submit samples to the laboratory.

4 Blood samples without anti-coagulant sample type can be used to determine presence/absence of the parasite, however gene copy information will not apply


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample typeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
URINE_EXAMUrine Analysis (Medi-Test Combi 9 Dipstick) *Fresh urineAll species1D$14.95
OUTSOURCED TESTUrinalysisFresh urine in sterile containerVarious1-3D**POA
OUTSOURCED TESTUrolith (calculus identification)Calculus in sterile containerVarious7-10**POA

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements and test turnaround time

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

* This test is not NATA accredited, however, performed in a NATA accredited laboratory.

** Working days exclude weekends, public holidays, as well as the duration required for courier services to transport samples to EMAI and subsequently to the external laboratory. All external lab TATs are estimates only and are outside of the departments control.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
VMITE_QPCRVarroa destructor qPCR*MiteBee5D$88.60
GEN_VI Virus Isolation (3 passes) Contact Customer Service$151.95
GEN_4P_VIVirus Isolation (4 passes)Contact Customer Service$231.85
GEN_5P_VIVirus Isolation (5 passes)Contact Customer Service$311.70
N/A Virus Isolation – Cell Culture (Additional Passes) Contact Customer Service$79.85
OUTSOURCED TESTVitamin D0.25ml frozen serumVariousPOAPOA

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
WNV_B_ABELWest Nile Virus Blocking ELISA*Clotted blood, CSFEquine, other susceptible species7-10D$13.55
WNV_ABEL_M West Nile Virus IgM ELISAClotted blood, CSFEquine7-10D$26.75
WNV_PCR West Nile Virus Real–time PCR*Brain stem (fresh), CSFEquine2-3D$93.55
WET_PREPWet preparation & microscopic examination (Parasitology)Faeces, Gastro-intestinal contentAll species1-2D$17.30
WSSV_PCR White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) Real–time PCR Whole frozen prawnsAquaticUp to 7D$112.10
N/AWorm Count – AliquotGastro-intestinal contentBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Camelid and EquineOn Request- Contact Customer ServiceOn Request- Contact Customer Service
N/AWorm Count – Total Gastro-intestinal contentBovine, Ovine, Caprine, Camelid and EquineOn Request- Contact Customer ServiceOn Request- Contact Customer Service
WC_ALQT_ABWorm Count for Aliquot from AbomasumGI Tract contentsOvine, Caprine, Bovine, Alpaca1-2D$190.10
N/AWormTest Individual – Faecal Egg Count (10 individual samples)10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Equine, Camelid1-2D$65.55
N/AWormTest Pooled – Faecal Egg Count (2 pools of 5 samples)

5g faeces per animal (submitted individually, pooled testing in the lab)

Bovine, Ovine, Caprine, Camelid1-2D$40.55
LARVAL_DOWorm typing- Larval Differentiation Only 10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine and Camelid 8-10D$46.60

Worm Typing- Larval Differentiation -In parallel with FEC

(FEC charged separately)

10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Bovine, Ovine, Caprine and Camelid 8-10D$34.65

Worm Typing- Larval Differentiation for Horse Worm Test

(Horse FEC charged separately)

10g faeces per animal (Individual testing)Equine8-10D$34.65

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.


CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample typeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
YHV_PCR Yellow Head Virus (YHV) Real–time PCR Whole frozen prawnsAquaticUp to 7D$112.10
YERS_CLT Yersinia sp. culture Tissue, PM sample, swabBovine, Ovine, Porcine3-4D$39.85

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

CodeTest name1
(Hyperlink to disease pages for further information- underlined)
Sample TypeSpeciesTAT2 Price (excl. GST)
16SRNA_PCR 16sRNA gene sequencing PCRCultureAll species5D$95.40

1 Please refer to the disease/genetic testing page for further information about sample requirements and test turnaround time.

2 D (number of working days) and W (number of weeks). Test TAT does not include weekends and public holidays.

* Denotes analyses not covered by the NATA scope of accreditation.

Laboratory Service Charges

Standard charges will apply for all non- approved after hours submissions, return of eskies and on-forwarding of freight to external laboratories:

Service charge Price (excl. GST)

Laboratory Handling Fee*


Courier - Standard esky return


Courier - Interstate on-freight fee


Courier - NSW on-freight fee


Courier - Freight to Regional Lab Services (Benalla)

Courier - International on-freight fee$125.00

Expert witness certificate - standard


Expert witness certificate - complex


Large volume sample preparation


Waste Disposal (per kg)

$5.30 per kg

*This fee may apply to non standard submissions or those that do not meet the Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions apply to all services offered by NSW DPI Laboratory Services.

Additional Information

Customer Service

Contact Customer Service for enquiries relating to testing and results, quotations and pricing, couriers, sample submission and invoicing.

NSW DPI's laboratories are committed to continual improvement of services. If you would like to provide feedback, please fill in and submit the online feedback form.


Phone1800 675 623

Operating Hours

8:30am-4:30pm Monday-Friday (excluding public holidays)

8:30am-12:00pm Saturday (for deliveries only)

Postal Address

Private Bag 4008, Narellan NSW 2567


Where possible, we work with our clients to negotiate a tailored service. Quotes for specialist or large volume tests are available upon request.

To request a quote please fill in our online Quotation Request Form.

It is highly recommended all export submitters arrange quotations for large shipments to allow the laboratories to prepare and work within tight timeframes and quarantine dates. All requests for export quotations must be accompanied by the current testing protocol to ensure correct tests and testing dilutions are applied. To request a quote for an export shipment please fill in our online Quotation Request Form, or if you have further questions please email:

Courier services and specimen delivery

For NSW submissions, please contact the relevant Customer Service team for courier account details and to order consignment notes.

For submitters outside of NSW, Couriers can be contacted directly to make bookings and arrange collection of packages at the submitters own cost.

Commercial couriers may use either road or air transport and specimens should therefore be packed in accordance with International Air Transport Association (IATA) requirements. Most submission sent by veterinarians to the SVDL for testing are defined as “Biological Substance Category B” and must be packed according to the IATA packing instructions 650 (Biological Substance Category B). As requirements for transport can change, customers should consult with their transport agent to obtain current requirements.

Samples may also be hand delivered to the site during normal business hours (8.30am - 4.30pm).

Sample Type


Street Address

Animal (including aquatic animals)

NSW Animal and Plant Health Laboratories (APHL)

EMAI, Woodbridge Road, Menangle NSW 2568