Water quality tests & pricing

The test list below provides a price guide for commonly requested tests. NSW DPIRD provides a tailored service with quotes for specialist tests or large volume discounts available by contacting Customer Service on (02) 6626 1103.

DPIRD's standard water test provides detailed information on pH, chloride, alkalinity, turbidity, hardness, saturation index, sodium absorption ratio and electrical conductivity (an indicator of salinity). A list of available water testing packages to suit your needs is outlined below.

Water sampling kits include all components for submitting a sample. To submit a sample for testing click on the Order a collection kit button below.

Which tests should I request?

Understanding which water test best suits your needs can be difficult. All farm water supplies should be tested using the Standard Kit test. The table below provides a guide for testing requirements; however, if you are unsure of your needs or you have special requirements, please contact Customer service.

For advice on test selection, sample submission, additional testing options, which bottle or to order a Microbiology water sample kit please contact our Customer Service Unit on (02) 6626 1103 or wollongbar.csu@dpi.nsw.gov.au


Package Name & bottle type

Tests Included


(inc GST)

Stock Water

Domestic Use – washing, hot water, garden etc

Irrigation of crop or pasture


250mL plastic bottle

pH, chloride, turbidity, alkalinity, electrical conductivity (salinity indicator), Total Dissolved Solids (calc), hardness, saturation index, sodium absorption ratio


Stock Water

Domestic Use – washing, hot water, garden etc

Irrigation of crop or pasture

Standard + Element Suite (dissolved)

250mL plastic bottle

pH, chloride, turbidity, alkalinity, electrical conductivity (salinity indicator), Total Dissolved Solids (calc), hardness, saturation index, sodium absorption ratio, 20 element ICP OES Scan* (diss)


New Bore Characterisation

Standard + Element Suite (total)

250mL plastic bottle

pH, chloride, turbidity, alkalinity, electrical conductivity (salinity indicator), Total Dissolved Solids (calc), hardness, saturation index, sodium absorption ratio,     20 element ICP OES Scan* (total)



Standard + Element Suite (dissolved) + Total Nitrogen & Phosphorus

250mL plastic bottle

pH, chloride, turbidity, alkalinity, electrical conductivity (salinity indicator), Total Dissolved Solids (calc), hardness, saturation index, sodium absorption ratio, 20 element ICP Scan* (diss), Total Nitrogen & Phosphorus


Effluent use or contamination

Standard + Element Suite (total) + Nutrients

250mL plastic bottle

pH, chloride, turbidity, alkalinity, electrical conductivity (salinity indicator), Total Dissolved Solids (calc), hardness, saturation index, sodium absorption ratio, 20 element ICP Scan* (total), Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia, phosphate & sulfate


Drinking Water - Routine Chemistry

Standard + low level elements ICP MS

250mL plastic bottle

pH, chloride, turbidity, alkalinity, electrical conductivity (salinity indicator), Total Dissolved Solids (calc), hardness, saturation index, sodium absorption ratio. Low Level Metals (dissolved) by ICP MS**


Drinking Water – E. coli & TC

E. coli & TC

Sterile 100mL bottle

E. coli and Total Coliforms only


Drinking Water - Chemistry + E. coli & TC***

Standard + low level elements ICP MS, E .coli & TC

250mL plastic & sterile 100mL bottle

pH, chloride, turbidity, alkalinity, electrical conductivity (salinity indicator), Total Dissolved Solids (calc), hardness, saturation index, sodium absorption ratio.  Low Level Metals (dissolved) by ICP MS**, E .coli & Total Coliforms


Stock/Domestic/Irrigation/New Bore/ Drinking*** (Comprehensive)

Standard + Element Suite (total) + Nutrients + Low Level ICP MS + E. coli & TC

250mL plastic & sterile 100mL bottle

pH, chloride, turbidity, alkalinity, electrical conductivity (salinity indicator), Total Dissolved Solids (calc), hardness, saturation index, sodium absorption ratio, 20 element ICP OES Scan (total)*, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ammonia , phosphate & sulfate, Low Level Metals by ICP MS**, E .coli & Total Coliforms


Your specific Needs


A combination of tests to suit your specific needs. Please call to discuss


Additional Laboratory Service Charges

Outsourced Analysis100% of external lab pricing + postage/freight + additional admin time fee
Postage/Freight Costs Charged at full cost recovery
Urgent Testing: 1 working day100% surcharge added to test cost (Test and workflow dependent)
Express Testing: 2-4 working days50% surcharge added to test cost (workflow dependent)
Express Testing: 5-7 working days25% surcharge added to test cost (workflow dependent)
Additional Sample Handling4$62.60/hr (incl. GST)1
Additional Admin Time/Reporting Request5

$85.40/hr (incl. GST)1

Return of Samples to ClientFreight + additional sample handling fee
Repeat Analysis - Client RequestRepeat test result same as original - client pays full test cost
Repeat test result different to original - no charge to client

1Prices are current as at 5 August 2024.

4 Additional sample handling fees will be charged if samples take longer than an hour to process at submission due to incorrect labelling, poor sorting or receival of damaged/compromised samples.

5 Additional admin time/reporting request fees will be charged if sample submissions take longer than half an hour to process due to additional client/outsourced analysis follow-up requirements.

What do I need to know before testing my water?

Laboratory testing is performed using the industry approved APHA test methods. APHA advises that for best results pH should be determined at the time of sample collection. As this is not always practical, we recommend that clients chill samples immediately on collection and forward to the laboratory as soon as possible.

Follow the simple instructions on the sampling kit, fill in the sample submission form and send your sample in the post.

Sample Name/Identification

All sample containers need to have a unique identification, which should identify the owner or property and the specific location where multiple water sources exist e.g. Surname – site/dam. If multiple containers are used for water from one source, this should be appended with “A”, “B”, etc


An interpretive sheet for water kit test results will accompany each report. However for specific plant needs, please discuss your results with an agronomist or horticulturist.

Local Land Services (LLS) at 1300 795 299 may have a local representative who can assist.


Where possible, we work with our clients to negotiate a tailored service. Quotes for specialist or large volume submissions are available upon request.

To request a quote please email Customer Service with the following information:

  • Your contact details
  • Your testing requirements (including number of samples, time frame and any other important information).

For advice on specialised tests or to  obtain a quote please contact Customer Service.

Terms and Conditions

Prices are reviewed annually however NSW DPIRD reserves the right to modify prices at any time. Express surcharges may apply for urgent requests. View the full list of Terms and Conditions applicable to all testing services provided by DPIRD.