Growing wheat straight after rice


Growing wheat immediately after rice is a great opportunity to improve the productivity of rice farming systems in southern NSW.

However, many growers perceive it to be a risky and unprofitable strategy, with a 2016 survey of rice growers finding that only 32% regularly grew wheat straight after rice.

Despite this perception, there are rice growers who regularly and reliably grow 5+ t/ha wheat crops straight after rice.

The following recommendations are a combination of advice from successful growers and the results from crop monitoring and research trials.

Topics include:

  • Important do’s
  • Important don’ts
  • Surface drainage
  • Soil type
  • Rice stubble handling
  • Wheat sowing time
  • Wheat sowing rate
  • Fertiliser management
  • Soil acidity


Primefact 1617 Second Edition

Published: Jun 2019