Managing blueberry rust


Blueberry rust is a disease caused by Pucciniastrum minimum, a pathogen formerly known as Thekopsora minima. The fungus primarily infects leaves, causing reduced plant vigour and fruit set. When fruit is infected, marketability can be affected. Blueberry rust thrives in warm, wet conditions, especially when there are extended periods of leaf wetness (such as dewy conditions) and susceptible host tissue is present.

This guide includes information on managing blueberry rust using an integrated approach involving:

  • scouting of blueberry plants to detect early infections
  • monitoring weather conditions to identify when they are conducive to the infection and disease symptom development
  • cultural measures such as pruning
  • targeted application of fungicidal sprays
  • genetic resistance and planting less susceptible varieties.


First Edition

Published: Nov 2023