Querina Florina

Origin 612-1 × Jonathan, Y. Lespinasse, Oliver, J. Lespinasse and Le Lezec, Station D’Arboriculture Fruitière, INRA, Beaucouze, France. Patent by Flemings.
Tree Medium to strong vigour.
Disease status Scab resistant, moderately susceptible to mildew, tolerant to fireblight.
Chilling requirement Probably high.
Blossom and pollination Mid season.
Delicious, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith.
Fruit shape Medium to large, like Empire; open calyx, truncate conical.
Skin and flesh Purplish red on yellow base, 75% of surface, shiny waxy bloom, very attractive.
Cream flesh, medium firm, resistant to bruising, sweet, good eating quality.
Harvest and yield 2 weeks after Golden Delicious, before Granny Smith.
Precocious, productive.
Storage Stores well.

Querina Florina

This information forms part of Agfact H4.1.12 Apple varieties.