Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Land Transport of Livestock) Standards 2013

New Standards for Land Transport of Livestock in NSW took effect from 14 June 2013 with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Animal Trades) Regulation 2013.

The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Land Transport of Livestock) Standards 2013 No2 outlines the principles that everyone involved in livestock transport must use to protect the welfare of the animals in their care. Livestock includes alpacas, buffalo, camels, cattle, deer, emus, goats, horses, ostriches, pigs, poultry and sheep.

The NSW Standards were prepared in consultation with the NSW Farmers’ Association, the NSW Livestock and Bulk Carriers Association, and RSPCA NSW.

All people involved in the livestock transport process, from assembling livestock to handling at their final destination must comply with these Standards.

The provisions in the NSW Standards reflect those in the national Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines Land Transport of Livestock, which received final endorsement by the Standing Committee on Primary Industries for national implementation into State legislation on 21 September 2012.

The national standards were developed in consultation with stakeholders including national industry organisations, animal welfare groups, farmers and the general public.