Stock welfare during tough times

Animal Welfare considerations are critical when managing stock during tough times, when feed and water resources are in short supply.

With seemingly increasing frequency of drought, fire and floods affecting our state, stock owners across NSW need to make decisions to effectively manage their stock. Your livestock and other farm animals are your responsibility and it is up to you to plan and prepare for their welfare. By being proactive and making decisions early, you will help ensure good animal welfare outcomes and compliance with the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979.

Key resources

DPI contacts & links

The Animal Welfare web page has information on animal welfare including links to relevant legislation and mandatory standards.

Local Land Services (LLS) can provide advice on drought management including animal health, nutrition and pasture management. Call 1300 795 299 or visit your nearest LLS office.

Rural Adversity Mental Health Program (RAMHP) is a state-wide program that links rural people to the help they need. Visit the website or call the NSW Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511.

Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines.

Primary producers are encouraged to visit DroughtHub for the latest State Seasonal Updates and information on a range of support services to prepare for and manage drought conditions.

The publication Welfare scoring nutritionally deprived beef cattle, dairy cattle and their crosses, sheep and horses is a useful guide to assessing animal condition. This guide is also referenced in the Regulation.

Managing drought is a handbook that has been prepared to assist primary producers in making financial and management decisions which will see them through extended dry periods.

Drought Feed Calculator App. Designed for use in the paddock to develop well-informed and cost efficient feed strategies for sheep and cattle. Search “Drought Feed Calculator”

Animal Emergency Safety: get prepared with people you know