Contact Us

General enquiries

For general animal welfare enquiries, contact:

Animal Welfare, NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Postal address:
Locked Bag 21
Orange NSW 2800

Street address:
105 Prince Street
Orange NSW 2800

Phone: 1800 680 244

Exhibited licensing and complaints

If you require further information or help with licensing and compliance, please contact the Biosecurity and Food Safety Licensing and Accreditation unit at or on (02) 6552 3000.

To make a complaint under the Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 about the treatment or condition of an animal in:

  • a zoo, fauna park, or oceanarium
  • a circus
  • a mobile reptile display
  • a mobile animal nursery or
  • some other type of animal exhibit
Phone: 1800 680 244

Animal research licensing and complaints

If you require further information or help with licensing and compliance, please contact the Biosecurity and Food Safety Licensing and Accreditation unit at or on (02) 6552 3000.

To make a complaint about the treatment of animals used in research or teaching in NSW, please contact the Biosecurity and Food Safety Complaints investigation unit at or on 1800 680 244.

There are also procedures under the Animal Research Act 1985 for complaints to be made to the Secretary of the Department in regards to an accredited research establishment, animal research authority holder or animal suppliers licence. Complaints lodged in this manner must meet the requirements outlined in section 22, 28 or 42 of the Animal Research Act 1985.

Further information is available at Complaints.