Exhibited Animals Advisory Committee

The Exhibited Animals Advisory Committee (the Committee) is a statutory committee, and its functions and composition are prescribed under Part 2 of the Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986.

The conduct of the Committee will be consistent with the requirements of the NSW Government Boards and Committees Guidelines.


The committee consists of six members who are appointed by the Minister based on nominations received from industry, government and animal welfare groups. Members are appointed for a period of three-years.

Nominated by the Zoological Parks Board of NSW (Taronga Conservation Society of Australia):

  • Clare Ford, Taronga Western Plains Zoo

Prescribed animal welfare organisations

  • Elizabeth Arnott, RSPCA NSW

Prescribed organisations representing exhibitors of animals

  • Anthony Stimson, Mobile Wildlife Educators Association

Minister administering the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974

  • Louise Hatton, Department of Planning and Environment

Minister administering the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979

  • Jadan Hutchings, NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Minister for Agriculture, Regional New South Wales and Western New South Wales

  • Debra Doolan, NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development