Getting approval to exhibit

Under the legislation, NSW DPIRD must issue an authority (permit, licence or approval) before animals can be exhibited. The licensing scheme details steps exhibitors must take to house and care for their animals.

Different authorities are needed depending on how you intend to exhibit the animals and the type of animals you intend on exhibiting.

The Exhibited Animals Protection Regulation provides for three classes of animal display establishments:

  • Fixed
  • Mobile
  • Off-display.

Authorities needed

Class of establishmentDefinitionExamplesAuthority required
Fixed Establishment

An animal display establishment comprising premises used, on an ongoing basis, for the display, and the keeping for display, of animals, not being the following:

a) an off-display establishment

Premises which are open to the public and where animals are permanently kept for display and displayed to the public in fixed enclosures.

These include for example zoos, fauna parks and  oceanariums.

Standards apply to the keeping of animals for display and display of the animals, including requirements for the public (eg. signage, education, facilities like toilets and seating, public safety).

Licence - fixed establishment

(authorises the ongoing use of a single premises for the display, and the keeping for display, of animals)

Permit for animals of prescribed species

(authorises the ongoing use of a single premises for the display, and the keeping for display, of animals)

Related forms:

FORM A - Application for approval to construct an animal display establishment

FORM D - Part 1 Application for a Permit to exhibit a prescribed species

FORM D - Part 2 Supplementary Information in Support of an Application to Acquire a Non-Indigenous Species for Exhibition

FORM G - Application for approval to construct or alter an animal enclosure or facility

Mobile Establishment

An animal display establishment comprising premises used, on a temporary basis, for the display of the following animals, but only while the animals are displayed or kept for display at the premises:

(a) animals that are the subject of an approval under section 22 of the Act,

(b) animals that are the subject of a permit.

A mobile exhibitor does not have a fixed establishment for the public display of animals.

A mobile exhibitor temporarily takes animals to display them in transportable enclosures at places like fairs or schools.

These include for example circuses, mobile animal displays of reptiles or young farm animals.

Standards apply to the transport and display enclosures of the animals, including requirements for the public (eg. signage, education, public safety).

Approval  for animals of non-prescribed species

Permit for animals of prescribed species

(authorises a person to display animals at mobile establishments)

Related forms:

FORM B - Application for an Approval to exhibit animals at mobile establishments

FORM D - Part 1 Application for a Permit to exhibit a prescribed species

FORM D - Part 2 Supplementary Information in Support of an Application to Acquire a Non-Indigenous Species for Exhibition

Off-display establishment

An animal display establishment comprising

premises used for the keeping for display of animals, but not the display of

animals, that are:

(a) the subject of an approval under section 22 of the Act, or

(b) the subject of a permit, or

(c) ordinarily exhibited at a fixed establishment,

and includes the land, buildings, enclosures and facilities used for that purpose.

These premises are not open to the public and animals are not displayed here.

These premises are only used for exhibitors to keep animals when they are not being displayed at a fixed or mobile establishment.

These include the home base premises of a mobile exhibitor.

They also include a separate premises of a fixed exhibitor used for keeping animals for display at the fixed establishment, but not used for the display of animals.

Licence - off-display establishment

(authorises the ongoing use of a single premises to keep animals that are displayed elsewhere - either at a mobile establishment or a fixed establishment)

FORM D - Part 1 Application for a Permit to exhibit a prescribed species

FORM D - Part 2 Supplementary Information in Support of an Application to Acquire a Non-Indigenous Species for Exhibition

FORM G - Application for approval to construct or alter an animal enclosure or facility

Special requirements

Prescribed species

Related forms:

A Permit is required before certain species of animals may be exhibited. A list of these prescribed species can be found in Schedule 2 of the Exhibited Animals Protection Regulation 2010.

Exhibitors of these species must meet particular standards because of the special nature of these prescribed species. These animals are special because they meet one or more of the following descriptions:

  1. Species that require specialist care and/or which pose a threat to keeper or public safety.
  2. Species that are subject to studbooks or cooperative conservation programs such as those conducted under the auspices of the Australasian Species Management Program of the Zoo and Aquarium Association.

Fees and charges

A lodgement fee will be charged when the application is received by the Department.

The pro-rata licence fee will then be charged from the date  of approval to the 30 June of that year.

FormForm nameFee
Form AApplication for approval to construct an animal display establishment$230 lodgement fee
Form BApplication for an Approval to exhibit animals at mobile establishments$230 lodgement fee
Form CApplication for the transfer of an animal display establishment$230 lodgement fee
Form D (Pt.1)Application for a Permit to exhibit a prescribed species$23 per application
Form D (Pt.2)Supplementary Information in Support of an Application to Acquire a Non-Indigenous Species for Exhibition$0 fee
Form E (Pt.1)Application for a variation to an authority - Add a species to an Approval to exhibit animals$23 per application
Form E (Pt.2)Application for a variation to an authority - Add new presenters to an Approval to exhibit animals$23 per application
Form E (Pt.3)Application for a variation to an authority - Change representative$23 per application
Form E (Pt.4)Application for a variation to an authority - Removal of condition of authority$23 per application
Form E (Pt.5)Application for a variation to an authority - General changes$23 per application
Form FApplication to acquire or dispose of animals of a prescribed species$0 fee
Form GApplication for approval to construct or alter an animal enclosure or facility$46 per application
Form HApplication to remove an animal from authorised premises$0 fee

Issue Fees for Approval / Licence to exhibit animal

Pro-rata fee between 30 June each year

Licence typeFee
30 animals or less are exhibited (displayed or kept for display)$285
More than 30 animals are exhibited (displayed or kept for display)$1035

Renewing your authorities

Authorities are renewed annually and expire on 30 June each year. NSW DPIRD issues renewal paperwork for existing authority-holders in the second quarter of every year.

Approval / Licence Renewal Fees (Lodgment Fee + Issue Fee)

Licence typeFee
30 animals or less are exhibited (displayed or kept for display)$400
More than 30 animals are exhibited (displayed or kept for display)$1150

Submitting Annual Record Returns

As part of the renewal process, authority holders must submit their annual record returns with their renewal paperwork.

The submission of annual record returns is a requirement under the legislation. These record returns ensure the government's records are accurate. The records returns also help by assisting exhibitors who may be impacted from a zoonotic disease outbreak.

Exhibitors can request additional animal record books by contacting the department at