Standards, Guidelines and Policies

Prescribed standards

In addition to complying with the legislation and conditions of their licence, exhibitors must adhere to prescribed standards, which detail how they must keep animals to ensure their welfare.


New Australian standards and guidelines for exhibited animals

The Agriculture Ministers Forum (AGMIN) recently endorsed the Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines for Exhibited Animals (S&Gs). Our department led the project to produce the S&Gs.

They include overarching General S&Gs and five taxon S&Gs for a specific types of animal. The taxon S&Gs relate to exhibiting koalas, wombats, macropods (kangaroos and wallabies), crocodilians and ratites (flightless birds like emus and cassowaries).

The S&Gs reflect the commitment of Australian jurisdictions to a nationally consistent approach to animal welfare. They promote humane and considerate treatment of animals kept for exhibition purposes at facilities such as zoos, fauna parks, wildlife parks, aquariums and museums with live animal exhibits.

Each jurisdiction will be responsible for the implementation of standards and guidelines within their jurisdiction.

NSW already has existing prescribed standards under the Exhibited Animals Protection Regulation 2010 and is considering implementation of the national standards.