Don’t get stung - Bee registered

Why do beekeepers need to be registered?

If you keep honey bees (Apis mellifera) in New South Wales you must be registered with the NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD). This requirement is legislated under the Biosecurity Act 2015.

Biosecurity Act 2015

There are many serious pests and diseases of honey bees that have the potential to devastate the Australian apiary industry.

The Biosecurity Act 2015:

  • requires registration of beekeepers
  • helps prevent the introduction of bee pests and
  • helps control diseases and pests in apiaries in NSW.

More information about the Biosecurity Act 2015.

How to register

For registration and more information visit the Biosecurity and Food Safety Portal.

Information pack

Newly registered beekeepers will receive information about responsible beekeeping and bee biosecurity.

Code of Practice requirements

All NSW beekeepers need to adhere to the Australian Honey Bee Industry Code of Practice as a condition of registration. Beekeepers must meet minimum standards related to inspections, disease management, reporting, hive maintenance and record keeping.

Hive ownership

Owners of beehives can be traced using the registration system. Beekeepers are required to display their registered number (brand) on their hive. Good identification allows Authorised Officers to locate owners of hives when tracing disease outbreaks, in bushfires or when aerial spraying occurs.

Exotic pests and diseases

If certain exotic bee pests and diseases enter NSW, unregistered beekeepers will not receive assistance from DPIRD. Unregistered hives will be confiscated and owners could be prosecuted.

More information

Ph: 02 6552 3000 | Email: