Beekeeping on public land

To keep bee hives (an Apiary) on public land in NSW you must hold a permit or license to do so from the government agency that manages the land.

In line with the new policy framework for apiary sites on public land, the way that permits are issued has been standardised across all the public land managers.

Recently vacated available sites are now being allocated via an Expressions of Interest process and will be published within the BPASS apiary sites portal after being announced on the EOI Process page of this website.

All Long Term Vacant sites are now published within the BPASS apiary sites portal. Read more about Long Term Vacant sites on the Long Term Vacant sites page.

To receive notifications about the publishing of EOI and Long Term Vacant sites please send an email to

Apiary Site Pricing

An initial site fee is payable immediately on application for the site.  This includes access to the site until the end of the annual permit period. After this, fees are payable annually in accordance with each agency's schedule:

  • LLS fees are due in June for the July to June year,
  • Forestry Corporation fees are due in September for the October to September year, and
  • NPWS fees are due in December for the January to December year.

Note that applications for new permits close to the end of the permit year may require two payments: the initial fee on application and the annual fee for the new permit year (which will be invoiced once the original permit is issued).

The site fee is updated annually in accordance with Consumer Price Index figures from the ABS. From the 21st August 2024 the pricing will be $219.11 ex GST = $241.02 inc GST per site.

Unauthorised Placement of Hives on Public Lands

It is illegal to place beehives on public lands without authorisation of the land manager.  Illegal placement of hives risks the biosecurity of other beekeepers on adjoining land and may be a safety risk for other public uses of those lands.  Fines may apply if hives are placed without permission and apiary permits may be cancelled if apiarists do not comply with the terms of their apiary sites terms and conditions including only placing hives within areas included in their permit.

Illegally placed hives on public lands should be reported through the Apiary Sites Service desk at or (02) 6391 3464 during business hours.


If you want to seek permission to keep bees on public land, review the available sites on the BPASS portal. If you have any queries about new or existing permits contact the Apiary Sites Service Desk on  If you have an operational question about your existing sites (e.g. physical access, site information) please contact your local land manager contacts below.

Forestry Corporation of NSW

Forestry Corporation NSW manage the majority of public forestry areas that are not in National Parks or Reserves. Current information about Apiary permits is on the Forestry Corporation Permits page. All available potential sites are currently published on the BPASS portal.

Forestry Corporation of NSW conducts sustainable timber harvesting operations in plantations and within areas of native forests. Harvest operations may affect short term access to apiary sites. An improved online map is now available at the Plan Portal that can show you the areas where harvesting is currently taking place and expected to be completed in the next 18 months. For any further questions about harvest plans for your sites please contact your local Forestry office.

For operational questions about East Coast Forests contact Kim Drysdale, Public Information Officer
Phone: 02 6585 3744

For operational questions about Western NSW Forests contact Kirrily Collings, Administrative Assistant
Phone: 0439 092 177

Local Land Services

The Local Land Services (LLS) manage travelling stock routes (TSR’s) and other crown land which may be suitable for beekeeping sites. sites. All vacant sites are now published on the BPASS portal. For operational questions about apiary sites only contact the regional contacts below.

Table 1: Local Land Services regional offices


Phone Number


Central Tablelands

02 6392 3000

Central West

02 6841 6500


02 6549 8600


02 6051 2200

North Coast

02 6604 1100

North West

02 6790 7600

Northern Tablelands

02 6720 8300


02 6923 6300

South East

02 6118 7700


03 5021 9460

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

The creation of new apiary sites in NPWS parks and reserves is not permitted under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 unless it can clearly and demonstrably benefit the conservation of nature in the park.

Please review the NPWS beekeeping policy or refer NPWS apiary enquiries to

Crown Lands

Beekeeping on other Crown Lands may be permitted on suitable sites if approval is granted by the land manager and a permit is issued under the Forestry Act.  To enquire about a particular crown land location please follow the process outlined on the Beekeeping on Crown Lands in NSW page.