A NSW Government website


A hand holding money

Pig farming contributes $352 million to the NSW economy

1,924 full time equivalent jobs are supported by pig farming.

There are just over 63,000 sows in NSW

This accounts for about 21% of the national sow herd. About 96% of these are grown for commercial purposes, while the other 4% are kept by hobbyists, for individual use, or as pets.

Shopping trolley

In 2023, NSW produced 65,366 tonnes of pork

7,538 tonnes of this was exported, while the rest was consumed domestically, by Australian households and businesses.

The department works to maintain and grow the sustainability and viability of the pork industry across a range of areas, including biosecurity, animal welfare, traceability, food safety, and land use planning.

All pig owners, regardless of scale or purpose, are responsible for maintaining the health and welfare of the pigs in their care, as well as meeting the legal requirements for pig ownership.

Industry data

AgTrack Dashboard

The AgTrack dashboard showcases New South Wales’ agriculture from the local to state level, summarising key agricultural industries, challenges, and land use planning issues.

Industry information and organisations


PigBytes is a quarterly newsletter for pork producers. It is a collaborative newsletter between NSW DPIRD, Agriculture Victoria, Queensland DAF, and PIRSA.

Australian Pork Limited (APL)

Australian Pork Limited (APL) is the body for Australian pig producers, performing marketing activities, research and development, and representing industry.

NSW Farmers

NSW Farmers is Australia’s largest state farming organisation, representing the interests of its farmer members in the state.

Agriculture Intensive Livestock Industries' Leader Pigs and Poultry is available for general industry inquiries.

Contact Peta Easey at peta.easey@dpi.nsw.gov.au.