Insect pests and plant diseases

ThumbnailTitleCrops/s affected
Yellow top borer moth with yellow-brown body and wings extended Yellow top borer
Multiple hosts
Twelve circular orange and black bugs surrounding twelve empty whitish cylindrical eggs all sitting on a green leaf Yellow spotted stink bug
Multiple hosts
Multiple hosts
Shield shaped insect, brown in colour with long thin antennae and a yellow triangular marking on the back. Western plant bug
Multiple hosts
Macadamia nut with husk opened to reaveal tunelling damage and borers within Tropical nut borer
Tomato red spider mite among leaf hairs Tomato red spider mite
Multiple hosts
A closeup of many insects on a leaf Tomato Potato Psyllid
Infected tomato fruit that are misshapen and light green or brown coloured. Infected tomato leaves that are mottled dark green and light green Tomato brown rugose fruit virus
A cotton crop, seemingly healthy and green, is scattered with sections of dead brown cotton plants. Texas root rot
A cut plant stem revealing a tunnel and a small white caterpillar with a brown head Sugarcane stem borer
Sugarcane internode borer moth with wings extended and a short body Sugarcane internode borer
Multiple hosts
Two leaves being held up by a human hand, leaves are green with significant brown patches Sudden oak death
Multiple hosts
Person holding an orange which has been cut open to reveal thick rind at the base and thin rind at the top Stubborn
Magnified image of 2 light green insects on a slightly darker green background Sth African citrus thrips
Stem borer
A raspberry with a small brown fly on the surface Spotted wing drosophila
Multiple hosts
Spotted stem borer moth with a small yellow-brown body and 20-25 mm wingspan. The moths have yellow-brown forewings with darker scale patterns. The hindwings are dirty-white grey. Spotted stem borer
A patch in a soybean crop infested by soybean cyst nematodes with leaf yellowing and stunting of the affected plants. Soybean cyst nematode
Aphids massing on soybean Soybean aphid
Green tomato leaf with grey/white squiggly lines Serpentine leafminer
Multiple hosts
Two images of different species of sawyer beetles. The left showing a darker greyish black beetle while the right is reddish brown. Both beetles are otherwise similar shape and size. Sawyer beetles
Forestry and timber products
Figure 4. Discolouration of wheat leaves caused by Russian wheat aphid Russian wheat aphid
Green grape leaf with discoloured segments that are light greenish-yellow Rotbrenner
Apple leaves that have curled over and become misshapen Rosy apple aphid
Close up image of a small brown and grey weevil on a green stem of a rice plant Rice water weevil
Green rice leaves with white patches that have brown edges Rice blast
Red turpentine beetle Red turpentine beetle
Pear-shaped scales, brown and with white waxy fringes, on a greyish green leaf Pyriform scale
Multiple hosts
Large green kiwifruit leaf with brown lesions surrounded by yellow halo PSA in Kiwifruit
Potato tubers with wart like growths protruding from the surface Potato wart
Healthy potato plants surround a plant infected with PSTVd Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid
A potato crop with a definitive patch of stunted plants surrounded by the healthy crop Potato cyst nematodes pest information and biosecurity
Polyphagous shot hole borer
Three plum leaves with mottled light green and brown patches (Biologische Bundesanstalf für Land-und Forstwirtschaft) Plum pox
Stone fruit
Reddish brown weevil with large snout on a bright green leaf Plum curculio
Multiple hosts
Female pink gypsy moth with wings expanded showing white and grey patterning of forewing and pink colouring of hindwing Pink gypsy moth
Multiple hosts
1 Dieback of radiata pine infested with pine nematodes Pine nematodes
Forestry and timber products
Grapevine with leaves that have yellowed Pierce's disease
Light green pecan pods with mottled brown markings extending from the tip to the stem Pecan scab
Banana tree with some green healthy leaves at top surrounded by yellowed and browned leaves that have drooped Panama TR4
Black and yellow flies on fruit. Oriental fruit fly
Multiple hosts
Brown and tan coloured moth on a green grape Omnivorous leafroller
A row of olive trees in an orchard showing scattered browning throughout the otherwise green canopy Olive quick decline
Two images of adult nun moths placed side by side. Image on left is of a primarily white moth with dark brown wavy patterning on wings. Image on left is of a primarily grey-brown moth with similar dark brown wavy patterning. Nun moth
Multiple hosts
Brown moth sitting on a pistachio Navel orangeworm
Myrtle rust
Leaves of a blueberry plant that are browned and dying from the petiole. Some leaves with complete leaf blight and a tan spore mass at the base of one leaf Mummy berry
Lemon tree with top branches almost completely defoliated Mal secco
Maize crop with patches of pale green, severely stunted plants Maize cyst nematode
Signs of the symptoms appearing on this plant Lupin anthracnose
Little cherry virus image 2 Little cherry disease
A green tomato fruit hanging from a tomato vine with a circular dark brown late blight lesion on its skin. Late blight
A small brown beetle and a larger lighter brown larva with many hairs, on grains of rice. The adult beetle is smaller than the rice grains, the larva is roughly the same size as a rice grain Khapra beetle
Multiple hosts
Infected rice grains on left showing brown patches on grains, uninfected rice grains on right with even cream/tan colour Kernel smut rice
Grapefruit leaves that have yellowed especially along leaf veins Huanglongbing
Asian giant hornet on a leaf eating a honey bee. Hornets
Environmental and ornamental plants
Magnified image of a hazelnut mite showing oval body, black brown colouring and fine hairs covering the body. Hazelnut mite
Green grape leaf with many small reddish-brown spots covering the upper surface Grapevine leaf rust
Brownish grey snail shell showing opening and the snail flesh Golden apple snail
Adult glassy winged sharpshooter showing dark brown colouring, transparent, red veined wings and white chalky spots about half way down the outer edge of each wing Glassywing sharpshooter
Multiple hosts
Closeup of a cluster of about 20 giant willow aphids feeding in a close group on a twig Giant willow aphid
Figure 3. Pine tree infested with giant pine scale has white waxy substance in cracks of bark(Image: VIC DEDJTR) Giant pine scale
Giant African snail being held in the palm of a hand Giant African snail
Multiple hosts
healthy patch of muskmelons with a section of wilted and yellowing leaves in the centre Fusarium root rot
Branch of apple tree that has curled into a hook shape and leaves are browned and dying Fire blight
A green leaf with a long thin caterpillar on the leaf surface. The caterpillar is light brown with whitish stripes and a very dark brown head Fall armyworm
Multiple hosts
Composite image showing at right black fly with yellow spot on back, yellow marking on head, and long translucent wings with black veins. At left black fly with larger yellow spot on back and brighter yellow marking on head. Exotic leafminers
Multiple hosts
EHB larvae to beetle comparison European House Borer
Small tree branch with area of orange-dark brown canker on bark European canker
Eumusae leaf spot disease on an infected banana leaf Eumusae leaft spot disease
A single elm tree with Dutch elm disease. Many of its leaves have yellowed, curled and turned brown. The infected tree is also partially defoliated. Dutch elm disease
Environmental and ornamental plants
A cotton plant with whole leaves curled and cupping upwards Cotton leaf curl disease
Cotton plants in a field showing a stunted plant surrounded by healthy vigorous plants Cotton blue disease
A coffee bean with a small black beetle on the surface Coffee berry borer
Young maize plant with green leaves but where the youngest still unfolded leaves at the top of the plant have died and are light green-brown Coastal stalk borer
Underside of citrus leaf showing small freckle like brown patches to larger brown lesions surrounded by yellowing leaf tissue Citrus variegated chlorosis
Stem, fruit and leaf of an orange tree all with greenish yellow lesions on part of surface Citrus leprosis virus
Green citrus leaves with orange spots Citrus canker
Chickpea crop with large patches of yellowed plants interspersed with small patches of green healthy plants Chickpea cyst nematode
Bark of a chestnut tree discoloured to a bright orange brown in comparison to the normal olive green colour of healthy bark Chestnut blight
Cherry fruit with a black fly with brown mark on head Cherry fruit fly
Person holding a small cucumber with mottled and blotchy skin CGMMV
Brown coloured wheat roots that are tangled/knotted caused by endemic cereal cyst nematodes. The small white balls on the roots are cereal cyst nematodes. Cereal cyst nematodes
Cedar pine branch with orange tentacle-like fungal growths Cedar apple rust
Two small, unmarketable carrot cyst nematode infested carrot roots with an Carrot cyst nematode
a large black beetle with black legs and black curved antennae Burnt pine longhorn beetle
Forestry and timber products
Burning moth specimen with spread wings and golden body hairs pinned to a grey background. Burning moth
Multiple hosts
Green apple with large brown patch and also circular grey fungal growth Brown rot
Brown marmorated stink bug Brown marmorated stink bug
Multiple hosts
Four blueberry fruit showing areas of brown discolouration and yellow rust pustules around the base Blueberry rust
Blueberry leaftier moth with wings folded showing rust and yellow colouring Blueberry leaftier
colony of around 20 aphids on the underside of a blueberry leaf. Ranging in size and colour from yellow to green. One black winged aphid can be seen. Blueberry aphid
Blood disease evident on banana tree Blood disease
Banana leaf with fungal lesions that are dead at the centre, have a black margin and surrounded by yellow Black sigatoka
Two unripe bananas with brown fungal spots all over Banana freckle
Banana plant with leaves that are very upright rather than horizontally fanned out Banana bunchy top
A dark, red brown mosaic pattern on the banana flower Banana bract mosaic virus
Yellow-brown moth with wings extended Bamboo leaf roller
Environmental and ornamental plants
Rice crop with one plant with light yellow leaves sticking up higher than surrounding plants Bakanae
Seed head of a rice plant with some seeds brown and upright, indicating they are diseased Bacterial panicle blight
Leaves on a branch of an almond tree showing browning (scorching) of leaf margins with a distinct band of yellow leaf tissue between the brown and green sections of the leaves Bacterial leaf scorch in tree nuts
Green leaves of a blueberry bush with brown, or scorched, margins. Scorched pattern reaches toward the center vein of the leaf in sections. Bacterial leaf scorch blueberry
Grapevine branches with leaves that have wilted and died Bacterial blight
Circular cross section of a branch with borer holes and an asian long horn beetle on the surface. Beetle is black with white dots and long black and white striped antennae Asian long-horned beetle
Multiple hosts
Male and female Asian gypsy moths shown in same picture. The female is primarly white with a longer, narrower body shape than the male. The male is primarily brown. Both have brown wavy patterning on the wings. Asian gypsy moth
Multiple hosts
psyllid insect on a leaf (magnified) Asian Citrus Psyllid
Two hawthorn berries, one with a fly on the surface Apple maggot
Apple leaves curled tightly upwards and the leaf edges are rolled together into distorted tubes Apple leaf curling midge
Green grape leaves on vine, one leaf has a brown misshapen patch Angular leaf scorch
yellow and black fly on a green leaf American serpentine leafminer
Multiple hosts
Psyllid insect on a green leaf with a yellow background African Citrus Psyllid