Have you seen a trap like one of these in your local area?
These are brown marmorated stink bug traps. The trap contains a pheromone lure to attract the bug and does not contain pesticides.
Brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) is not established in Australia, however it is sometimes intercepted at our national border on imported goods. This bug is a significant threat to Australia as it feeds on and damages many fruits and vegetables.
The traps are used to help detect brown marmorated stink bug early, giving Australia a better chance of eradicating the pest before it establishes.
If you see a bug like those pictured below on or near a trap, or anywhere else, catch it, take a photo and report it to NSW Department of Primary Industries by email biosecurity@dpi.nsw.gov.au or phone 1800 084 881 or online form