Look out for weeds

No Space for Weeds

Early detection and surveillance offer the most strategic and cost effective form of weeds management. Early detection of weeds increases the likelihood that control will be successful and reduces costs as infestations can be treated when they are less extensive. You can help with early detection of weedy plants by knowing what to look for, where to look, when to look, and who to contact.

  • plants that spread and take over
  • plants you didn't plant
  • unusual plants you haven't seen before
  • gardens, paddocks, fencelines, waterways, bushland, roads, tracks, stockyards, holding paddocks, worksites
  • when cultivating, planting and irrigating
  • when moving or feeding livestock
  • after floods, fires or introducing gravel, sand, soil or turf
  • your local council weeds officer
  • the NSW DPIRD Invasive Plants and Animals enquiry line 1800 680 244
  • email: weeds@dpi.nsw.gov.au