NSW Parkinsonia Weed Strategic Plan

Cover NSW Parkinsonia Strategy

Parkinsonia (or Jerusalem thorn) is a significant biosecurity risk regulated under Control Order through the parkinsonia control zone that applies to the whole of NSW.

Parkinsonia forms dense and often impenetrable, thorny thickets along watercourses, bore drains, floodplains and grasslands.  It spreads quickly and:

  • makes land inaccessible for people and animals
  • restricts stock access to drinking water
  • decreases available pasture
  • makes mustering difficult
  • reduces water flows and lowers the water tables
  • excludes native plants and animals
  • destroys wildlife habitat
  • harbors feral animals.

Owners and occupiers of land on which there is parkinsonia must:

  • notify the local control authority of new infestations
  • immediately destroy the plants
  • ensure subsequent generations are destroyed
  • ensure the land is kept free of the plant.

A person who deals with a carrier of parkinsonia must ensure the plant (and any seed and propagules) is not moved from the land; and immediately notify the local control authority of the presence of the plant. 

The department led the development of the NSW Parkinsonia Weed Strategy which details strategic direction for effective detection and control of parkinsonia. If you would like more information about the Strategy please email weeds@dpi.nsw.gov.au.

Think you may have seen parkinsonia? Call us on 1800 680 244.

The NSW Parkinsonia Strategic Plan

This is available as a PDF to view or download - NSW Parkinsonia Strategic Plan - September 2022