Water weeds affecting our environment

Water weeds affecting our environment

Water weeds can affect the environment by:

  • impeding waterflow and increase flooding and erosion
  • reducing water quality, creating health hazards
  • displacing natural vegetation and destroy aquatic life
  • preventing recreational activities
  • reducing fish habitat
  • blocking channels and irrigation equipment
  • preventing stock access to water

There are a number of precautions we can all take to protect our waterways  from the threat of water weeds:

  • carefully consider what plants to buy for ponds and aquariums
  • purchase plants from accredited nurseries and sellers
  • don’t dispose of unwanted plants in or near water
  • help control new infestations early, before they take over
  • clean equipment such as boats, trailers, vehicles and earth moving machinery when moving between sites
  • report suspicious weeds to your local council weeds officer or the department on 1800 680 244 or email weeds@dpi.nsw.gov.au
Water weeds affecting our environment
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