Land use planners and developers

Land use planners, developers and planning consent authorities all play an important role in protecting NSW from potential biosecurity risks posed by proposed developments.

Planning authorities must consider economic, social and environmental matters when developing regional and district strategic plans and local strategic planning statements. A consent authority must take into account the likely impacts of a development, including environmental impacts on both the natural and built environments, and the social and economic impacts in the locality, and the public interest

It is important that biosecurity risks are considered during the planning process, and development proposals adopt reasonably practical measures to prevent, eliminate or minimise potential impacts of the development on the environment, economy and community.

Industry guidelines and codes of practice and state and federal government biosecurity guidelines should be referred to when assessing development applications, particularly those guidelines that determine the design of a development and which indicate the consent authority should place conditions on the operation of the development.

Input from biosecurity experts will help ensure that biosecurity risks are quickly identified, and whether specific management responses or modifications are needed or if consideration should be given to finding another site.

Information can be obtained from us, Local Land Services or from peak industry organisations to provide guidance about recommended management practices to mitigate biosecurity risks.

Managing biosecurity risks in land use planning and development guide

The Managing Biosecurity Risks in Land Use Planning and Development Guide (the guide) outlines steps to be considered to ensure biosecurity is appropriately addressed during the planning and assessment of development proposals.

There are a number of conditions of development approval which a planning authority may impose to limit the likely environmental, economic and social impacts from a development which could also assist in mitigating potential biosecurity risk. Some of these considerations are included in the Guide.

The Guide seeks to help development proponents, development assessment authorities and other stakeholders understand the relevance of biosecurity risk management in land use planning and development, and specifically its importance in mitigating potential impacts of a development proposal on the environment, economy and community.