March 2024

Rainfall Index (RI)

The RI remain variable.

  • There has been an improvement in the RI since the February Update, particularly in Western NSW. This has been driven by above average rainfall over the past few months.
  • There has been a decline in the RI in parts of northern NSW, with regions around Tamworth, Moree and south of Armidale falling below the 30th percentile.
  • NSW DPI is also closely monitoring areas in the Central Tablelands, Riverina and Murray LLS Regions where there is a declining trend is evident in the RI.
  • Continued rainfall through April is needed to maintain or improve conditions for regions that have been experiencing low RI values for several months.
  • The impacts of early April rain events will not be evident in the RI until the next update.

Click on the scroll bar below the map to compare with previous months.