March 2024

Riverina Local Land Services

Conditions remain steady in the Riverina region, with warmer conditions and variable rainfall totals slowing recovery in some areas.

  • The Combined Drought Indicator (CDI) shows approximately 90% of the region in the Non-Drought category at the end of March.
  • The Tumut region has seen a transition into the CDI Drought Affected category during March. This has been driven by average to below average rainfall during February and March resulting in a decline in the soil water and rainfall indicators.
  • On the ground reports suggest that recent hot and dry conditions have impacted pastures and reduced farm water stores for some regions. Grazing management has a focus on maintaining groundcover and stock condition.
  • Autumn sowing preparations have commenced at some locations, with a positive sentiment going forward.
  • Rainfall during March has been near to below average when compared to long term averages and producers continue to monitor forecasts closely and implement management strategies as required for their enterprises.
  • The NSW DPI continues to closely monitor conditions in this region.

Click on the scroll bar below the map to compare with previous months.

Normalised Difference Vegetation Index

Plant greenness values have remained generally steady since the February Update.

  • Many areas continue to experience near normal to higher-than-normal plant greenness levels.
  • This has been driven by average to above average rainfall across most of the region.
  • Areas with below average levels of greenness indicate low levels of ground cover and standing dry matter available for livestock.
  • Some of the extremely negative NDVI areas (brown patches) are water bodies.

Click on the scroll bar below the map to compare with previous months.

Individual Drought Indicators

Drought indicators have responded to recent rainfall across the region.

  • The Drought History charts show the individual response of the drought indicators for Gundagai, Hay and Temora.
  • The indicators at Gundagai and Temora have declined over the last couple of months due to short-term rainfall deficits. Both areas remain in the Non-Drought category.
  • At Hay, all indicators are responding well to rainfall events over the summer and early autumn period.
  • Producers continue to monitor conditions closely in conjunction with forecasts and outlooks.
  • To access a Drought History chart for your Parish, visit the Seasonal Conditions Information Portal.