May 2024

North Coast Local Land Services

Drought conditions continue to improve for much of the region.

  • The Combined Drought Indicator (CDI) shows that approximately 36% of the region remains in one of the drought categories at the end of May.
  • Above average rainfall during April and May has seen improvement in drought conditions across much of the region.
  • This has resulted in challenging conditions for some parts of the region, now managing wet and waterlogged paddocks particularly in low lying areas. This is impacting grazing, cropping and horticultural enterprises in various ways from livestock, feed, and pasture management to harvesting operations.
  • Producers continue to monitor conditions closely in conjunction with forecasts and outlooks.
  • The NSW DPI continues to closely monitor conditions in this region.

Click on the scroll bar below the map to compare with previous months.

Normalised Difference Vegetation Index

Plant greenness values have declined slightly since the previous Update.

  • Rainfall totals were above average to above for May and any areas continue to experience near normal to higher-than-normal plant greenness levels. 
  • Pasture growth may be slowing and becoming dormant as cooler temperatures are experienced.
  • Some of the extremely negative NDVI areas (brown patches) are water bodies.

Click on the scroll bar below the map to compare with previous months.

Individual Drought Indicators

The drought indicators continue to respond to recent rain events.  

  • Overall, conditions across the region have been improving through autumn into winter.
  • Conditions remain challenging at some locations, with a balance between needing substantial rainfall to trigger improvement in conditions, while other areas have been managing prolonged wet conditions.

To access a Drought History chart for your Parish, visit the Seasonal Conditions Information Portal.