May 2024

Western Local Land Services

Conditions continue to improve with sustained drought recovery across much of the region.

  • The Combined Drought Indicator (CDI) shows nearly all the region is in the Recovery or Non-Drought category at the end of May.
  • Further follow up rainfall will continue to drive the recent improvement in conditions across the region.
  • The NSW DPI continues to closely monitor conditions in this region.

Click on the scroll bar below the map to compare with previous months.

Normalised Difference Vegetation Index

Plant greenness levels have remained generally stable since the last Update.

  • Plant greenness levels are highly variable across the region. The influence of ex-tropical cyclone Kirrily on plant greenness levels has decreased during May.
  • Areas with below average levels of greenness indicate low levels of ground cover and standing dry matter available for livestock.
  • Some of the extremely negative NDVI areas (brown patches) are water bodies.

Click on the scroll bar below the map to compare with previous months.

Individual Drought Indicators

Drought indicators remain variable but have continued to respond to recent rainfall.

  • Recent rainfall over the past few months has seen a sustained recovery across the region.
  • Indicators in the southwest of the region have declined in recent months but remain above the Non-Drought category threshold.

To access a Drought History chart for your Parish, visit the Seasonal Conditions Information Portal.