DPIRD’s drought forecast shows that the most likely outcome through to 28 February 2025 is for most of NSW to be in the Non-Drought category with the area in Drought Affected category likely to increase for some areas of NSW.
DPIRD’s drought forecast uses the Bureau of Meteorology seasonal climate model ensemble to determine the NSW-CDI for the coming forecast period. The drought forecast figure shows the most frequent (mode) drought category in the 99-member model ensemble at the end of the forecast period (February 2025).
Forecast releases
The DPIRD drought forecast for NSW presents the ‘Most Likely’ Combined Drought Indicator (CDI) category for the forecast period. The Most Likely CDI category is determined by identifying the 'mode' of the CDI. The mode is the category that appears most frequently across all possible forecast outcomes in the ensemble run. It is the most common prediction for drought conditions in the forecast period based on the model's simulations.
This map can be used alongside the most current CDI map to observe current conditions and the most likely conditions in three months’ time.
Ensemble agreement refers to the level of consensus on the mode among the ensemble members. When there is high agreement, it means that most of models are predicting a similar CDI category, suggesting greater confidence in the forecast. If the agreement is low, it suggests that there is a wide range of possible outcomes, leading to greater uncertainty in the forecast.
Past accuracy refers to how the mode of previous forecasts matched the actual CDI categories that occurred for every forecast month in the historical record (1981 –2018), allowing an assessment of the reliability of the current forecast. If the model has consistently provided accurate predictions, there is more confidence in its current output. However, if past accuracy is low, it might suggest a need for more caution in interpreting the forecast, especially when ensemble agreement is low.
The seasonal drought forecast have been developed as a drought early warning system to prepare for drought events, mitigate drought impacts, and better aid farm and Government management decisions.
The DPIRD drought forecast has been generated by forcing the NSW DPI Enhanced Drought Information System (EDIS) with calibrated forecast variables from the Bureau’s seasonal prediction system, ACCESS-S to produce an ensemble of drought indicators. A 99-member lagged ensemble is used to determine the drought forecast.
A technical description of the DPIRD drought forecast, including a full analysis of the systems skill, is being prepared for public release in the Spring of 2024.
Find out more information about the drought forecast here.
To provide feedback on the DPIRD Drought forecast, please email seasonal.conditions@dpird.nsw.gov.au
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