June 2024

NSW DPI Farm Tracker Reports

NSW DPI Farm Tracker Application reports are completed by users across NSW.

One report provided an on-ground drought assessment in June and the assessment indicates that the area reported is experiencing moderate drought conditions.

Tools for farmers to monitor and report seasonal conditions

The Farm Tracker application is freely available and can be used to help monitor seasonal conditions on your property. Completing a report allows a user to create a geotagged photo diary, monitor dam levels, or record changes at an individual paddock level.

This information provides a detailed and visual record of a farm over time that can be invaluable for budgeting, planning and decision making. The data collected for each farm is not available for other people to see or search.

Reports are also used by DPIRD as a highly valuable information source to ground truth products from the DPIRD Seasonal Conditions Monitoring Program. Farmers data remains anonymous in this use.

Search for NSWDPI Farm Tracker and download the application from your app store. Click here to go to the NSW DroughHub website to see a short video about how the app is being used.