Training and resources details

Veterinarians and veterinary professionals play a pivotal role in helping to protect animal industries in NSW from the impacts of emergency animal disease (EAD). Working on the frontline, you not only provide veterinary services to owners but also play an important role in educating them about animal health and good biosecurity practices to prevent disease introduction, establishment and spread.

The below resources have been created to increase the skills and knowledge around EADs and better prepare veterinary professionals for participating in an EAD response. All courses are free and are considered as continuing professional development (CPD) for veterinarians.

Emergency Animal Disease Response Specific Training

EMtrain – Introductory emergency response e-learning modules (3 structured CPD Points)

The department’s emergency management online learning platform, EMtrain provides a basic understanding of how an emergency response works. The three foundation modules provide essential learning and understanding if you are interested in participating in an EAD response in NSW. Even if you have participated in an emergency response previously, these modules can be used as a refresher on the structure, roles and responsibilities that exist during an emergency response.

The three foundation modules:

  1. Working in Agricultural Emergencies (1 structured CPD or VETED point)
  2. Induction into DPI Response (1 structured CPD or VETED point
  3. Information and Communications Management (1 structured or VETED point)

The modules are self-paced and can be completed at any time. Each module takes approximately 1 hour to complete.

Registration is free. To complete the foundations courses on EMTrain, you need to set up an EMTrain account. From there, you can complete the three foundation courses.

AIIMS Awareness e-learning course (5 structured CPD points)

This nationally accredited e-Learning course provides a basic introduction to the Australasian Inter-service Incident Management SystemTM (AIIMS). This is the management system that is used nationally for all emergency responses. The course is self-paced and available online so it can be completed at a time that suits you.

Undertaking this course will provide awareness about the structure, roles and responsibilities used in an emergency response which helps to facilitate effective and efficient control of incidents. Understanding this management system is important for anyone who wants to participate safely and effectively in their role in an emergency response.

This course is currently available free through NSW DPIRD to veterinarians registered in NSW that are interested in participating in an EAD response. This course will also be valuable for participation in any emergency response (flood, bushfire, drought etc.).

Register here for the course or scan the QR code. Complete the registration form and you will then be emailed further information on how to enrol in the course. The course is open to the first 500 veterinarians to register that are registered to work in NSW. QR code for AIIMS Awareness e-learning

EAD Foundation Course – Animal Health Australia (2 structured CPD points)

This free online course aims to provide learners with information about how EAD responses are managed in Australia, and to give a foundation for further training in EAD response functions. The course is divided into two parts and takes approximately 2 hours to complete.

After completing the course participants should have an understanding of:

  • the significance of EADs
  • phases of an EAD response
  • the Australian animal health system
  • the roles and responsibilities (including reporting requirements) embedded within the Australian animal health system
  • national EAD arrangements and plans.

Course details and registration can be found on the AHA website.

Emergency Animal Disease and Biosecurity Training

VETLEARN - Veterinarians, Hobby Farmers and Backyard Livestock (2 structured CPD points)

This free online course is designed to help veterinarians build their business and improve biosecurity outcomes with smallholders, resulting in early detection of an EAD.  The course takes approximately 2 hours to complete and covers the following topics:

  • Veterinarians, Hobby Farmers and Backyard Livestock – Introduction
  • The Role of Veterinarians in Managing Biosecurity Risk
  • Veterinarians, biosecurity and small holders
  • Veterinarians, Hobby Farmers and Backyard Livestock Assessment
  • Zoonoses and other risks in veterinary practice

The course is free, with online registration and access via this link.

Emergency animal disease and biosecurity e-learning - Animal Health Australia (AHA)  

AHA hosts a variety of free online courses related to EAD preparedness, arrangements, and biosecurity on its eLearning platform. Participants can earn various amounts of CPD or VETED points for each course.

  • African Swine Fever (ASF) prevention and early detection course – 4 parts, 1.5 hrs
  • FMD Awareness – Protecting your livelihood and community – 45 mins
  • Public Information in a Biosecurity Response – 2 parts, ~50 mins
  • Work Health and Safety Induction in a Biosecurity Emergency Response – 1 hr

Course details and registration instructions can be found on the AHA website.

EuFMD Virtual Learning courses

EuFMD vlearning hosts a wide variety of training courses and resources that support the control of Foot-and-mouth And Similar Transboundary animal diseases (FAST). Participants can earn various amounts of CPD points for each course.

  • Introduction to Foot-and-Mouth Disease – 2 hours
  • Introduction to Lumpy Skin Disease – 45 minutes
  • Introduction to Animal Health Surveillance – 1 hour
  • Introduction to Rift Valley Fever – 3 hours

Course details and registration instructions can be found on the EuFMD vlearning site.

Emergency Animal Disease Surveillance Online training

This training package aims to provide veterinarians and veterinary students with an overview of the significance of Emergency Animal Diseases (EADs), their detection, investigation, reporting and management. The package includes an overview module and 5 self-paced interactive case studies, each taking approximately 30 minutes to complete and featuring a variety of species including horses, backyard chickens and a dog.

For further information and to complete the course go to the EAD Surveillance Online training website.