Dose of Janine's inspiration to help farm families see out dry

Champion cross country skier and author of best seller Never Tell Me Never , Janine Shepherd AM, was never meant to walk again after a being hit by a truck during training for the Winter Olympics - today she flies planes and provides encouragement and motivation to others facing adversity.

Janine will tell how she recovered from the accident during An Evening with Janine Shepherd at Deniliquin and Gerogery on Thursday, March 11, and Friday, March 12.

"Janine's story is about defying the odds and winning," NSW Agriculture Drought Support Worker, Maryanne Kelly, said today.

"Janine has displayed tremendous fighting spirit to recover from neck and back injuries (broken in four places), head injuries and massive internal injuries.

"Her story is both moving and inspirational, and we hope will inspire those who have been hardest hit by the ongoing drought across NSW.

"One of the hardest aspects of dealing with the emotional and mental well being of people affected by drought is giving them a chance to talk about their experiences.

"The aim of this event is to bring communities affected by the drought together for a night of social interaction, while also looking at issues of stress and hardship."

Ms Kelly said farming families and small businesses in places like Gerogery, Deniliquin and surrounding districts are going through one of the toughest droughts on record.

She said the reality is that this experience takes its toll on the well being of those affected.

"We want this to be a night where people can come together, enjoy listening to a humorous and inspirational speaker and, hopefully leave with a new perspective on how they are coping with their own situations," Ms Kelly said.

An Evening with Janine Shepherd, which is being sponsored by AMP and coordinated by NSW Agriculture and the Southern Riverina Rural Advisory Service, will be held at the Deniliquin Golf Club, Thursday, March 11, and at the Table Top Mountain Retreat, Gerogery, on Friday, March 12.

Light refreshments will be served at 7pm and Janine Shepherd will begin at 8pm.

Entry is free, however, numbers are limited, so please RSVP as soon as possible 03 5881 5766 or NSW Agriculture 02 6993 1608.

Media contacts: Don Burrowes 0427 324 033 (Riverina Rural Advisory Service) or Marryanne Kelly 02 69931608