New varieties, sheep management and the latest in local research on show at Condobolin field day

New varieties of oats and peas, advice for improving sheep management, the latest in local research, and a presentation by the local Catchment Management Authority (CMA) are just some of the highlights at this year’s Condobolin Agricultural Research and Advisory Station (CARAS) Field Day.

The annual Central West Agriculture Update and Field Day will be held on Wednesday, 11 October, with displays, information sessions and tours organised at the research station from 9am to 4pm.

NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Research Agronomist Neil Fettell said the aim of the day is to give farmers and interested people in the district the chance to gain insight into the range of research being conducted in the area.

“We try to make the day as diverse and topical as possible, with a range of research projects and presentations on current topics in agriculture at the moment,” he said.

“During the morning, there are a range of research updates on salt bush, pea varieties and broadleaf weed control, and a systems comparison using four different farming systems.

“There will also be a comprehensive presentation on sheep management, including pregnancy advice and nutrition on profitability.

“At lunchtime there will be talks on the latest round of incentives from the Lachlan CMA, and a chance to have your questions regarding the RTA, AWB and this year’s harvest, and the latest on grains markets.

“The afternoon session includes an update on the oats breeding program, developments in breeding for mustards, canola wheat, and barley, as well as a chance to check out the high water use farming systems project.”

Mr Fettell said entry is free, and lunch and refreshments will be available. A range of DPI publications will also be available for purchase.

“It is also a chance to catch up with the staff based at Condobolin to get some one-on-one advice on issues relating to you and your farm, and catch up with other farmers from across the central west,” he said.

For more information about the field day contact Joy Gibson or Wendy O’Neill on 6895 1025.

Media contact: Trudy Glasgow 6391 3312; 0427 217 354