NSW readies for national approach to NLIS for sheep

The NSW Department of Primary Industries has sent information brochures to sheep producers across NSW, to provide them with detailed information about the National Livestock Identification System for sheep, lambs and goats.

The new system officially begins 1 January 2006.

NSW is joining other states in adopting a national approach toward the National Livestock Identification System for sheep, lambs and goats.

The information brochure from the NSW Department of Primary Industries will ensure producers have the information they need to participate in this important initiative.

The NLIS will be a critical tool in helping sheep and goat industries respond quickly and efficiently should they ever face issues of emergency or exotic disease.

There is an exemption for sheep, lambs and goats going from property of birth direct to abattoirs, for slaughter over the hooks.

This exemption is in line with the national strategy which was only finalised this month.

The exemption will be evaluated as part of a national review being considered for 2007 or 2008, and will only be retained if there is evidence there has been no loss in market confidence or traceability.

Key requirements for the NLIS for sheep, lamb and goats include:

  • Animals born after 1 January 2006 must be tagged before leaving their property, unless going direct to the abattoir, for slaughter over the hooks.  As lambing does not generally begin until March, producers will have time to work toward the new requirement.
  • All producers must have and use a property identification code (PIC) on NLIS tags
  • Producers must use appropriate movement documents (such as a national vendor declaration or transported stock statement) when sending animals to a saleyard, abattoir or other property.   

In addition to the information brochure from the NSW Department of Primary Industries, producers can call the Department’s information hotline (1300 720 405) for more information.

Media contact: Brett Fifield 0427 029 511