Fishing black market review complete

A major report looking into black market fishing in NSW has been completed and handed to the State Government, which will now consider its recommendations.

The review - headed by former Federal Police Commissioner Mick Palmer - is the first step in a State-wide crackdown on illegal fishing, designed to protect public health and the local seafood industry which is worth half a billion dollars a year.

Mr Palmer has been commended by the Government for carrying out a thorough review, based on extensive community consultation.

The report has looked at illegal fishing in terms of deterrence, compliance and education.

The Government will now consider the recommendations and the report will be released for community input before the Government finalises its response.

Illegal fishing and black market sales of fish in NSW threatens public health and valuable fish stocks, undermining licensed commercial fishers and the regional economies they support.

Our fisheries are a community-owned resource. We all have a responsibility to protect and safeguard this natural asset for present and future generations.