Young anglers encouraged to get hooked on fishing

Experienced and first-time young anglers in the Narrandera area have the chance to brush up on their fishing skills, or learn how to fish at a special clinic being run on Friday 23 January 2003.

The fishing clinic, run by NSW Fisheries at the Narrandera Fisheries Centre, will give young people aged 8 to 14 years the chance to practise casting, rigging, tying knots, and fishing for trout.

"They'll also learn all about bag and size limits, aquatic habitats, species that are threatened with extinction, and how to fish responsibly," Steve Dunn, NSW Fisheries Director-General said.

"They might even catch a big one and be the envy of their family and friends."

Mr Dunn said fishing clinics were being held around the State as part of the NSW Government's commitment to teach young people about recreational fishing and conservation.

"Each participant will come away with fishing gear, including a fishing rod and reel, a NSW Fisheries T-shirt and cap and educational material, and will have the chance to win prizes, such as drink bottles, posters and lures," Mr Dunn said.

NSW Fisheries staff will host the clinic at the Narrandera Fisheries Centre, Buckingbong Road, Narrandera. The clinic runs from 10am to 3pm.

Admission is $40 per child, which includes lunch and fishing equipment.

To secure a place, call 6959 9021 by Tuesday 20 January, 2004.

Media inquiries: Kristina Resanceff on 8437 4915 or Eric Aubert on 0419 185 375. IMAGES AVAILABLE