$100,000 available to improve freshwater fish habitats

Another $100,000 is now available for community projects to help restore freshwater fish habitats in NSW, the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) announced today.

Craig Copeland, DPI Principal Manager, Aquatic Habitat Rehabilitation, said this is the third year of a three-year community program, managed by NSW DPI, that already has many works underway across the State from the first two years of the program.

"Funding of $300,000 has been allocated over three years to the Freshwater Fish Habitat Grant Program. The money has been allocated from the NSW Recreational Fishing Trust," said Mr Copeland.

"Individuals, angling clubs, community groups, local councils and Rivercare and Landcare groups can apply for grants on a matching dollar-for-dollar basis, and up to $10,000 per year is available for individual projects.

"These projects are to help rehabilitate freshwater fish habitats and may include removing barriers to native fish movement, revegetating riverbanks or removing exotic vegetation along waterways.

"The first and second rounds were a great success and will result in excellent outcomes for fish and fishers. I am hoping for a similar level of interest from community groups and local government this time around.

"The program gives the community direct input into projects that protect the freshwater aquatic environment and ultimately benefit recreational fishing."

Application forms can be obtained from Milly Hobson at the NSW Fisheries office at Tamworth on (02) 6765 4591.

The closing date for applications is Friday, 29 October 2004.

MEDIA CONTACT: KRISTINA RESANCEFF (02) 8437 4948 or 0419 185 375