Anglers to get fishing licence reminder letters

Anglers will now be sent letters reminding them to renew their recreational fishing licences, the Director-General of NSW Fisheries, Steve Dunn, said today.

Mr Dunn said the new reminder system has been requested by anglers and will make it easier to renew licences at the right time.

"The system begins this week, with letters being sent to around 30,000 one and three year licence holders whose licences expire during April," he said.

"As the licence was extended to saltwater areas from March 2001, now is a good time to begin the system because many three-year licences are expiring."

Mr Dunn said the letters include advice on how to renew licences and information on how funds from the licence are spent.

"All money raised from the licence is placed into recreational fishing trusts and used to improve recreational fishing. Expenditure is overseen by two angler committees - one for saltwater and one for freshwater.

"More than 467,000 recreational fishing licences were sold in 2002/03, generating revenue of around $8.4 million."

Mr Dunn said one-year and three-year licences accounted for around half of all licences sales.

The four licence types are three days ($5), one month ($10), one year ($25) and three years ($70).