Illegal fish traps drown our native animals

Following the discovery of a number of illegal fish traps, NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) is reminding people that the use of such traps is banned in our freshwater rivers and creeks.

The traps are capable of illegally catching large numbers of native fish, such as Golden Perch and Murray cod. Abandoned traps often continue to catch fish and other animals that enter the trap to feed on the remains of other trapped animals.

NSW DPI Director, Compliance Operations, Paul O'Connor, said that illegal fish traps used in freshwater waterways can also cause the death of native animals, such as platypus, turtles, water rats and birds.

"These air-breathing animals enter the traps looking for food, and drown," said Mr O'Connor.

"Yabby traps are also banned in waters where the platypus are found, as they can enter traps in search of yabbies and drown."

Yabby traps are only permitted in waters west of the Newell Highway, and must be fitted with a ring at the entrance to stop other wildlife from entering the trap.

Anyone caught using illegal traps in freshwater can face fines of up to $22,000 and six months imprisonment, or both.

"If people find a trap, they should leave the trap where it is, and call their local DPI Fisheries Office or the Fishers Watch phone line on 1800 043 536," said Mr O'Connor.

Information on freshwater fishing rules, including yabby traps, can be found in the DPI freshwater fishing summary and guide, available from NSW DPI Fisheries offices, most places where NSW recreational fishing licences are sold, and on the DPI Fisheries website at Additional information on yabby traps can also be found online at

Editors Note: Images are available of NSW DPI Fisheries Officer with illegal traps.

MEDIA CONTACTS: Doug Chapman on (02) 8289 3927 or 0408 484 176