New fisheries education officer to boost services for North Coast anglers

A new Education Officer has been appointed by NSW Fisheries to boost services for anglers on the State's north coast, the Director-General of NSW Fisheries, Steve Dunn, said today.

Mr Dunn said the new Education Officer will liaise closely with local communities to promote recreational fishing and educate anglers about fishing rules and conservation.

"Mark Asquith, based at NSW Fisheries' Coffs Harbour office, will coordinate a wide variety of community education programs," he said.

"This includes managing volunteers under the successful Fishcare Volunteer Program, helping to run fishing clinics and attend trade shows and other community events.

"There are 48 Fishcare volunteers on the State's north coast, including 13 at Tweed Heads, 11 at Coffs Harbour, nine at Wallis Lake, eight at Maclean and seven at Port Macquarie."

Mr Dunn said NSW Fisheries' Education Officers play a valuable role in the community, teaching people of all ages fishing skills and the values of sustainable recreational fishing.

Mr Asquith, with a background in natural resources and environmental management, said he will work with communities on the north coast to raise awareness of conservation issues and promote sustainable recreational fishing.

NSW Fisheries employs four Education Officers. The other three officers are based at Sydney, Lake Illawarra and Bathurst.

Mr Dunn said the Education Officers are funded by the Recreational Fishing Trusts, which distribute funds raised from recreational fishing licences.

"This is anglers' fees at work - all money raised by the NSW recreational fishing licence is placed into saltwater and freshwater trusts overseen by anglers and used to improve recreational fishing."

For more information about NSW Fisheries and how to contact your local Fisheries office, visit the website at

A digital image of Mark Asquith is available.

MEDIA INQUIRIES: Eric Aubert on 8437 4948 or 0419 185 375.