Sydney men cop $1000 fines for illegal netting

Two Sydney men have been fined $1000 each after being caught using illegal nets at Lake Lyell near Lithgow, the Deputy Director-General of NSW Fisheries, Paul O'Connor, said today.

Mr O'Connor said the men, a 56-year-old from San Souci and a 70-year-old from Kogarah, were found removing two gill nets, measuring 35m and 40m, from the lake last weekend.

"It is an offence to use nets or traps of any kind on Lake Lyell, and freshwater native fish have been protected from all forms of commercial fishing, including the use of gill nets, since 2001," Mr O'Connor said.

"The two men each received two $500 on-the-spot fines - one for using illegal fishing gear and one for taking fish illegally.

"NSW Fisheries officers also seized a quantity of fish found in the nets - 12 rainbow trout, eight Australian bass and one brown trout."

Mr O'Connor said this case shows NSW Fisheries officers are constantly on the look-out for illegal fishing activity.

"Our fish stocks are a community-owned resource and NSW Fisheries is working to protect this resource for future generations," he said.

"Anyone with information on illegal fishing activity is urged to contact their NSW Fisheries office or the Fishers Watch phone line 1800 043 536."

MEDIA INQUIRIES: Eric Aubert on 8437 4948 or 0419 185 375.