Industrial rubbish bin removed after misuse

An industrial waste bin is being removed today from the entrance to Deniliquin State Forest near Willoughby ’s Beach because it is being misused.

Riverina operations Forester Mick Lalor, based at Deniliquin, said the industrial bin was for forest users and not for the garden waste, waste building materials (including asbestos) or excess household rubbish that is currently being dumped in it.

“A large component of the rubbish is garden refuse, which in many cases introduces noxious weeds into the forests,” he said.

Mr Lalor said in an effort to make it easier for campers to dispose of their camping rubbish, State Forests had set up rubbish collection points at various high-use locations in the forests.

“But because of the thoughtlessness of a few the Willoughby ’s Beach bin is being removed,” he said.

The rubbish disposal points are for the exclusive use of forest campers, but we are finding that people are travelling into the forests to dump their household garbage, instead of using designated rubbish tips.

“At Willoughby ’s Beach, there have been instances of illegal rubbish being dumped on the ground near the bin, when the bin is not even full.”

The bin will be returned from 20 December until 31 January next year for the high tourist season. It will also be returned for the Easter holidays.

Mr Lalor said people should be aware that there are fines applicable for illegal dumping of rubbish in State forests.

“It is only through the proper use of facilities provided by Forestry Corporation that everyone can benefit throughout the year,” he said.

Anyone seeing someone illegally dumping rubbish in a State forest should contact Forestry Corporation Deniliquin office on (02) 5881 2266 or the local police.

Media contact: Mick Lalor on (02) 5881 2266.