Firefighters face the test

Firefighters who will be called on to protect the state’s timber resources in the north are already in training for what is shaping up as a potentially severe fire season.

Forestry Corporation, formerly State Forests of NSW, now requires all staff who attend fires to undergo medical examinations and task-based assessments to ensure they are up to the physical demands of the job.

The assessments began in Dorrigo earlier in July and continued in Grafton this week. They will again be held in Coffs Harbour on 26 July and 6 August.

“Forestry Corporation has a number of softwood and hardwood plantations in the North East Region, which extends from Macksville north to the Queensland border, and west to Tenterfield, where we try to exclude all bush fires,” said North East Region regional manager Steve Rayson.

“We also have some of our best regrowth native forest timbers throughout this area. While they are more tolerant of fire, we try to restrict bush fires in those forests as well.

“To do this we need a trained and fit workforce, which we make up with our own highly-trained staff and a team of seasonal firefighters where necessary.”

The Coffs Harbour assessments are being coordinated by North East Region forest protection officer Kath Bray.

“We need people to be able to respond to bush fires quickly,” Ms Bray said.

“If we get there soon enough, a lightning strike fire can be confined to just a few metres.

“But to do that we need men and women who can move quickly, often with heavy equipment or hoses.”

The task-based assessments are designed to measure how each fire fighter can cope.

The physical test will involve carrying an 11.3 kilogram pack over 3.22 kilometres in under 30 minutes. Staff who want to be considered for future international deployment will undertake a more gruelling test, carrying 20.4 kilograms for 4.83 kilometres within 45 minutes.

Other staff who might attend the fire line to deliver logistical support will be required to complete a shorter walk.

“Last year was the first time these fitness tests were required, and the vast majority of our staff passed with flying colours,” Ms Bray said.

“We have maintained a forest fire fighting capability for decades, so these tests are building on that already wide experience.”

Forestry Corporation firefighting is conducted on a geographical basis, with Mr Rayson responsible for asset protection across all divisions in the North East Region.

Firefighting tests will be conducted in other regions as the season progresses.

Photo opportunity: Fire fighting fitness program Coffs Harbour Monday, 26 July 9am and 11am Maclean Street Oval.

Media contact: Kath Bray on 02 66520111.