Blueprints for forest management

Stakeholders in the forests across the east of the State will have the opportunity to comment on new blueprints for Forestry Corporation ecologically sustainable forest management over the next month.

Forestry Corporation has issued the draft Ecologically Sustainable Forest Management plans for the coming five years for the Upper North East, the Lower North East, South Coast, Eden and Tumut forest areas.

The public will now have the chance to review and comment on the documents before they are adopted.

“These plans set out the broad strategies, performance indicators and measurable outcomes for forest management in the region over the next five years,” said the chief executive of Forestry Corporation, Mr Peter Duncan.

“They include the strategies that Forestry Corporation will put into practice to achieve objectives in key areas of forest management.”

These key areas would include natural heritage, Aboriginal cultural heritage, non-Aboriginal cultural heritage, protected areas, forest health, sustainable timber supply, economic development, social development, forestry operations, consultation, monitoring and reporting.

“The plans build on important ecological data collected and analysed in comprehensive regional assessments and used as a basis for Regional Forest Agreements,” Mr Duncan said.

“They will be reviewed within their five-year lifespan and remain in force until such time as they are replaced.”

Mr Duncan said progress made under the plans would be reported in Forestry Corporation annual reports on compliance with the Integrated Forestry Operations Approval.

“Forestry Corporation is primarily accountable for achieving ecological sustainable management on State forests, but we won't be fully effective unless we work in conjunction with the community and other agencies,” Mr Duncan said.

“Stakeholders and the public now have the chance to comment on all or part of the plans and let Forestry Corporation know their reactions by the end of the display period on 22 April,” Mr Duncan said.

Copies of the plans can be found here, or in hard copy by contacting Forestry Corporation regional offices.

Media contact: Howard Spencer on (02) 6656 8800 or 0428 696 672.